Mohr Model Properties

The properties of the Mohr Model model are shown below for reference. More detailed information regarding these properties is presented here.


Some properties are read only as stated below.

area f

A - area of the contact.

cohesion f

c - cohesive strength in units stress with default value 0.0.

cohesion-residual f

c - residual cohesive strength in units stress with default value 0.0.

dashpot-force v

Fd - dashpot force in units force. Expressed in the contact plane coordinate system. This is a read-only property.

dashpot-mode i

Md - dashpot mode with default value 0.

dashpot-ratio-normal f

βn - normal critical damping ratio with default value 0.0.

dashpot-ratio-shear f

βs - shear critical damping ratio with default value 0.0.

dilation f

ψ - dilation angle in degrees with default value 0.0.

dilation-residual f

ψ - residual dilation angle in degrees with default value 0.0.

dilation-zero f

ucs - shear displacement where dilation stops in units distance with default value infinity.

disp-normal f

normal displacement.

disp-shear v

shear displacement in the global coordinate system.

force-normal f

Fn - normal force.

force-shear v

Fs - shear force in the global coordinate system.

friction f

ϕ - friction angle (in degrees) with default value 0.0.

friction-residual f

ϕ - residual friction angle (in degrees) with default value 0.0.

healing i

healing with default value 0.

pore-pressure f

Pp - Pore pressure in units stress. Positive pore pressure reduces the effective normal stress for failure computations.

rgap f

gr - reference gap in units length with default value 0.0.

slip f

s - slip magnitude in units distance. This is a read only property.

slip-dc f

dc - critical slip distance (i.e., for degradation of shear stress as a function of slip) in units distance with default value 0.0.

slip-table v

slip weakening multiplier (x-component) as a function of slip (y-component). Use table-pos to retrieving a specific value. One can also set with a FISH list of vectors.

state i

B - contact state with default value 0.

state-string s

state string. This is a read only property.

stiffness-normal f

kn - normal stiffness in units stress/length with default value 0.0.

stiffness-shear f

ks - shear stiffness in units stress/length with default value 0.0.

stress-effective f

σe - effective normal stress in units stress. This is a read only property.

table-pos i

position in either the slip weakening table.

tension f

σc - tensile strength in units stress with default value 0.0.

tension-residual f

σc - residual tensile strength in units stress with default value 0.0.

user-area f

A - set contact area to the constant value f.