Wave Propagation in a Coupled PFC-FLAC3D model
Problem Statement
The project file for this example may be viewed/run.[1] The main data file used is shown at the end of this example.
The following example illustrates plane wave propagation through a one-dimensional “bar” using PFC-FLAC3D coupling. The bar is composed of particles bonded together on the left hand side of the system, and of zones on the right hand side. The left-hand end is a “quiet boundary” that absorbs any incident waveform. The PFC and FLAC3D regions overlap over a specified length, where they are coupled using the Ball-Zone coupling scheme. An input pulse is also injected at the left-hand boundary.
Numerical Model
The data file “wave_cpl.dat” simulates wave propagation in a bar made up of a coupled PFC-FLAC3D system. The time history of the input pulse is
where A is the amplitude of the pulse and f is the frequency. The duration of the pulse is 1/f, and U̇ (the velocity applied to the PFC model) is set to zero after the duration of the pulse. Parameters R,ρ,C,f, and A are set in the initial section of “wave_cpl.dat”.
When the data files are executed with PFC, the time histories reproduced in Figure 1 is generated.

Figure 1: Velocity histories.
Data File
model new
model configure dynamic
model large-strain on
[wfreq = 1.0 ] ; pulse frequency [1/s]
[wpeak = 1.0 ] ; pulse peak velocity [m/s]
[rho = 2700.0 ]
[emod = 75.0e9 ]
[nu = 0.25]
[kappa = 15.0]
[mmod = emod*(1-nu)/((1+nu)*(1-2.0*nu))
[cp = math.sqrt(mmod/rho)] ; p-wave velocity [m/s]
[cs = math.sqrt(emod/(2.0*rho*(1+nu)))] ; s-wave velocity [m/s]
[lambda = cp/(wfreq)]
[l5 = cs/(5.0)]
[rad = 0.5*(l5/kappa)]
[rhob = 6.0/math.pi*rho ]
[l = 4.0*lambda]
[nb = 5]
[h = nb*2.0*rad]
[nz = 1]
[zc = h/nz]
[cl = 10.0*zc]
[nx = int((0.5*(l+cl))/zc)]
[b_pfc = (int(0.5*l/(2.0*rad))+1)*2.0*rad-rad]
[b_f3d = b_pfc -cl]
[l = b_f3d + nx*zc]
[epsilon = 1.0e-3]
zone create brick size [nx*nz] [nz] [nz] ...
point 0 [b_f3d] [-0.5*zc] [-0.5*zc] ...
point 1 [l] [-0.5*zc] [-0.5*zc] ...
point 2 [b_f3d] [ 0.5*zc] [-0.5*zc] ...
point 3 [b_f3d] [-0.5*zc] [ 0.5*zc]
zone cmodel assign elastic
zone property young [emod] poisson [nu]
zone initialize density [rho]
model cycle 0 ; to initialize gp masses
model range create 'right' position-x [l-0.1*zc] [l+0.1*zc]
zone face group 'right' range named-range 'right'
zone face apply quiet-normal range named-range 'right'
zone face apply quiet-dip range named-range 'right'
zone face apply quiet-strike range named-range 'right'
zone gridpoint fix velocity-y
zone gridpoint fix velocity-z
model domain extent [0.0-5.0*rad] [l+5.0*rad] ...
[-nb*rad-5.0*rad] [nb*rad+5.0*rad]
ball generate cubic radius [rad] box [0.0] [b_pfc] [-(nb-1)*rad] [(nb-1)*rad]
ball attribute density [rhob]
contact cmat default model linearpbond ...
method pb_deformability emod [4.0/math.pi*mmod] ...
kratio 1.0 ...
property pb_ten 1e20 pb_coh 1e20
model clean
contact method bond gap 0.01
ball-zone create
fish define setMassFactors(eps)
loop foreach local cb ball.zone.ball.list
local b = ball.zone.ball.ball(cb)
local bxpos = ball.pos.x(b)
ball.extra(b,1) = (1.0-2.0*eps)*(b_pfc - bxpos)/(b_pfc-b_f3d) + eps
ball.zone.ball.mass.factor(cb) = ball.extra(b,1)
loop foreach local cgp ball.zone.gp.list
local gp = ball.zone.gp.gp(cgp)
local gpxpos = gp.pos.x(gp)
gp.extra(gp,1) = (1.0-2.0*eps)*(b_f3d - gpxpos)/(b_f3d - b_pfc) + eps
ball.zone.gp.mass.factor(cgp) = gp.extra(gp,1)
ball group 'left' range position-x [-0.1*rad] [0.1*rad]
[mleft = ball.groupmap('left')]
history interval 1
model history name '1' mechanical time-total
ball history name '11' velocity-x position 0.0,0.0,0.0
ball history name '12' velocity-x position [0.25*l],0.0,0.0
ball history name '13' velocity-x position [0.5*l],0.0,0.0
zone history name '14' velocity-x position [0.75*l],0,0
zone history name '15' velocity-x position [l],0,0
zone history name '16' velocity-x position [0.5*l],0,0
ball history name '21' displacement-x position 0.0,0.0,0.0
ball history name '22' displacement-x position [0.25*l],0.0,0.0
ball history name '23' displacement-x position [0.5*l],0.0,0.0
zone history name '24' displacement-x position [0.75*l],0,0
zone history name '25' displacement-x position [l],0,0
zone history name '26' displacement-x position [0.5*l],0,0
fish define pulse
local wave = 0.0
if mech.time.total <= 1.0 / wfreq
wave = 0.5*(1.0 - math.cos(2.0*math.pi*wfreq*mech.time.total)) * wpeak
loop foreach local b mleft
ball.force.app(b,1) = 4.0*rad^2*cp*rho*wave
model save 'wave-cpl_ini'
model solve time [3.5*(l/cp)] fish-call 1.0 pulse
model save 'wave-cpl_final'
program return
⇐ Punch Indentation of a Bonded Material (FLAC3D) | Gravity Settlement in a Coupled PFC-FLAC3D model ⇒
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