sketch fracture domain command


sketch fracture domain keyword ...

Primary keywords:

by-edges    by-nodes    by-positions    clear    extent

Specify the domain boundary where fractures (DFN) will be generated.

by-edges i1 i2 ...

List of edge IDs that define the domain boundary. The edges must be given in sequential order and form a closed polygon.

by-nodes i1 i2 ...

List of node IDs that define the external boundary of the domain. The nodes must be given in sequential order and form a closed polygon.

by-positions v1 v2 ...

List of nodal positions that define the external boundary of a domain. The positions must be given in sequential order and form a closed polygon.


Clear the domain.

extent fxl fx2 <fyl fy2 >

Specify the locations of the sides of a rectangular domain. Each set of values applies to the lower and upper bounds along x- and y-directions. If only fx1 and fx2 are provided, a square domain is used.