wall rotate
- wall rotate keyword ... <range>
Primary keywords:
Rotate walls. Application with the point keyword may also modify the center of rotation. Rotations follow the right-hand rule where the rotation axis in 2D is toward the viewer. Rotations are not allowed that rotate the wall outside of the model domain. Should any facet conveyor velocities be nonzero, they will be rotated as well. Should the orientation tracking be active, then the orientation is updated by default, though this can be disabled (see the update-orientation keyword).
- axis vaxis
Axis of rotation.
- angle fang
Angle of rotation in degrees using the right-hand rule.
- point vrot
Rotation occurs about the specified point. The center of rotation is also rotated about the rotation point. Should this keyword be absent, rotation occurs about the center of rotation for each wall.
- update-orientation b
Explicitly set the orientation update status for this rotate command. Used if orientation tracking is enabled to update the orientation. By default, the orientation is updated.
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