rblock template
- rblock template keyword ...
Operate on a single rigid block template. A rigid block template is a complete block that can be used as the basis of creating a model composed of rigid blocks. A template is stored separately from the rigid blocks used in a model and general rigid block operations do not affect templates. A rigid block may be created by replicating a template manually (see the
rblock replicate
command) or assemblies of rigid blocks may be created via templates using therblock generate
orrblock distribute
commands.- create <s > keyword ...
Create a rigid block template with name s. The inertial attributes are computed and stored. The template is translated so that its centroid coincides with the origin. The original rigid block position is also retained and can be used for replication. Unit density is assumed at creation unless the density keyword is given. If no name is specified then the name is set to rblock; if a template exists with this name, then an integer is appended to rblock until a unique name is created.
- box fxmin fxmax <fymin fymax <fzmin fzmax >> (z-components are 3D ONLY)
Create a rigid block template in the shape of an axis-aligned box. Following specification of the box in the -direction, if subsequent extents are omitted, then the latest specified extent is used.
- circle keyword ... (2D ONLY)
Generate a closed circular rigid block template in 2D.
- position vpos
Position of the center of the circle that is the origin by default.
- radius frad
Radius of the circle that is 1.0 by default.
- cone keyword ... (3D only)
Create a conical rigid block template in 3D.
- axis v3
Direction of the symmetry axis of the cone pointing from the base position that points in the positive z-direction, by default.
- base v3
Position of the base of the cone (i.e., the center of the bottom end) that is the origin, by default.
- height fh
Height of the cone. This is the distance from the base position to the point or, if a frustum, to the center of the top end. By default, fh = 1.
- radius fbot <ftop >
Radius of the cone. By default, fbot = 1.0 and ftop = 0.0, meaning that a cone is created. If ftop > 0.0, then a conic frustum (i.e., cone with the tip cut off) is created. In this case, fbot is the bottom radius at the base location, and ftop is the radius of the top of the frustum at a distance fh from the base location along the symmetry axis.
- cylinder keyword ... (3D Only)
Create a cylindrical rigid block template in 3D.
- axis v3
Direction of the symmetry axis of the cylinder pointing from the base position.
- base v3
Position of the base of the cylinder (i.e., the center of the bottom end) that is the origin, by default.
- height fh
Height of the cylinder. This is the distance from the base position to the center of the top end. By default, fh = 1.
- radius frad
Radius of the cylinder, or the distance from the axis of symmetry to the side.
- density f
Rigid block template density with default value 1.0.
- facets v1 v2 ...
Specify the {linear in 2D; triangular in 3D} facets of the rigid block template. These can be specified in any order but all facets must be completely specified.
- from-geometry <set > <range>
Create a rigid block template from the vertices of polygons in a geometry set. If no set is provided then the current set is used. The optional range is applied to polygons in the specified set.
- group s <slot slot > ...
The group name at slot slot is set to s for the newly created rigid block template. If slot is not specified, then the group name at slot Default is set to s.
- id i
Rigid block template ID. If not specified, then the next available ID is used.
- rounding f <relative>
Introduce rigid block rounding. Rigid blocks are represented by a core shape that is composed of {linear facets in 2D; triangular facets in 3D}. The core shape is convex, closed and manifold. When rounding is nonzero, the core shape is expanded in a directions by a {circle in 2D; sphere in 3D} of a specified radius with center passing along all points on the exterior of the core shape. The value of the rounding corresponds to the radius of this expansion {circle in 2D; sphere in 3D}. If the relative keyword is given, the rounding is computed as the product of f and the radius of a {circle in 2D; sphere in 3D} with the same size as the rigid block. When the rounding is changed so are the inertial properties.
- skip-errors
Suppress rigid block creation failure from stopping continued data file execution.
- sphere keyword ... (3D ONLY)
Create a spherical rigid block template in 3D. The sphere is created by refining an icosahedron (i.e., a sphere composed of 20 identical equilateral triangles) so that the edge lengths are smaller than a length defined by the resolution keyword.
- position vpos
Position of the sphere centroid that is the origin by default.
- radius frad
Radius of the sphere that is 1.0 by default.
- delete <range>
Delete rigid block templates in range. If no range is specified, then all rigid block templates are deleted.
Usage Example
Create a rigid block template named comp4
from the geometry set named comp4
. Round the edges of the template using a radius that is one tenth the radius of the block.
rblock template create 'comp4' from-geometry 'comp4' round relative 0.1
from “setup.dat” in Rigid Block Model of a Rockslide
Create a cube-shaped rigid block template named cube
rblock template create 'cube' box -1 1
Create a circular rigid-block template named second
; set template density to 10 and radius to 50.
rblock template create 'second' density 10 circle rad 50
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