contact list command


contact <sprocess> list <keyword> <all> <type s > <range>

Primary keywords:

energy    energy-list    extra    force    group    method-list    model    model-list    moment    normal    property    property-list    shear

List contact information. By default, the contact ID, type, ID of the end1 piece, ID of the end2 piece, activity state, inhibited state, and position are listed. By default, only active contacts are listed. Use the all keyword to list active and inactive contacts.

Also, by default, contacts of all types are listed. Use the type keyword to filter by contact type. For instance, if s = ball, then all ball-ball, ball-pebble, and ball-facet contacts are listed. If s = ball-ball, only ball-ball contacts are listed.

By default, only mechanical contacts are considered. If sprocess is specified, then it must correspond to a process name and contacts within this process are considered.


Use the model precision command to change the precision of listed floating point values.

energy <s >

List the energies of a contact model used by the contact. If s is not specified, then all energy names andvalues are listed for each contact. If s is specified, then only that energy is listed for the specified contacts. Use the energylist keyword to list all energies available for each contact model.


List the energies available in each contact model. By default, these energies are not tabulated. See the model energy command for further details.

extra i

List the contact extra variables at index i.

force <local>

List the contact force in the global coordinate system. This is the contact force (Fc) acting at the body (i.e., ball, clump, or wall) centroid to which the end2 piece (i.e., ball, pebble, or facet) belongs. Give the local keyword to list the contact force in the local coordinate system of the contact. In this case, a vector is returned that is { (Fn,Fst) in 2D; (Fn,Fss,Fst) in 3D} where Fc=Fn^nc+Fss^sc+Fst^tc where Fss0 in 2D. The orientation of this system can be listed with the normal and shear keywords.

group i

List the contact group names at slot i.


List all available contact models, their available methods, and the names of the method arguments. Contact model methods are distinct from contact model properties in that they operate on one or more contact model properties based on, perhaps, the contact geometry or piece attributes.


List the contact model name for each contact.


List all available contact models, whether or not they have been loaded as plugin contact models, and their property names. This is a synonym for the propertylist keyword.

moment <local>

List the contact moments in the global coordinate system. These are the total moments, M(1) and M(2), acting on the bodies to which the pieces end1 and end2 belong, respectively. Give the local keyword to list the contact moments in the local coordinate system of the contact. The orientation of this system can be listed with the normal and shear keywords.


List the contact normal direction, pointing from the end1 piece to the end2 piece. This is the direction in which the normal force is acting and is denoted as ^nc.

property <s >

List the properties of a contact model used by the contact. If s is not specified, then all property names, inheritance state, and values are listed for each contact. If s is specified, then only that property is listed for the specified contacts. Use the propertylist keyword to list contact models and all properties available.


List all available contact models, whether or not they have been loaded as plugin contact models, and their property names. This is a synonym for the modellist keyword.


List the contact shear direction. In 2D, this corresponds to the direction orthogonal to the normal direction termed ^tc. In 3D, on the other hand, this is the direction of the second unit vector forming the local axis system of the contact in global coordinates termed ^sc. The third unit vector can be obtained from the cross product of the normal and this value.