; fname : ballexample.dat
; Illustrate basic usage of the ball.pos FISH intrinsic function
; =============================================================================
model new
fish define get_ball_position_vector(bid)
; retrieve the vector position of the ball with ID bid
local b = ball.find(bid) ; get address of ball with ID bid
local v = ball.pos(b) ; read access to the position of ball with address b
get_ball_position_vector = v
fish define set_ball_position_component(bid,idir,val)
; retrieve the idir component vector position of the ball with ID bid
local b = ball.find(bid) ; get address of ball with ID bid
ball.pos(b,idir) = val ; write access to the idir-component position
; set the model domain and create a ball
model domain extent -1 1
ball create id 1 position-x 0.0 position-y 0.0 radius 0.1
; create the global FISH variable vp1, execute the get_ball_position_vector
; function and store the return value in vp1
fish create vp1 = @get_ball_position_vector(1)
list @vp1 ; output the value of vp1 in the console pane
; execute the set_ball_position_component function to assign a new x-component
; execute the set_ball_position_component function to assign a new y-component
; use inline FISH to create the global FISH variable vp2, execute the
; get_ball_position_vector function and store the return value in vp2
[vp2 = get_ball_position_vector(1)]
list @vp2 ; output the value of vp2 in the console pane