
FISH supports 3x3 symmetric tensors. Tensors are useful when calculating principal axes and stress invariants. Tensors can be added and multiplied. Note that the result of a tensor multiplication is a matrix. Tensors can also be converted to arrays with the array.convert method, and created from matrices. See the Tensor Utilities for available methods.

The example below illustrates the use of tensors.

model new
fish define setup
   notch = tensor(2,3,4,1,6,5)

fish define setup
    jeb_ = tensor(8,8,3,7,3,5)
    c418 = tensor(3,1,4,1,5,9)
    array output(2,9)

fish define tests
    local newMat = jeb_ + c418
    output(1,1) = comp.xx(newMat)
    output(1,2) = comp.yy(newMat)
    output(1,3) = comp.zz(newMat)
    output(1,4) = comp.xy(newMat)
    output(1,5) = comp.xz(newMat)
    output(1,6) = comp.yz(newMat)
    ; some extra room in output, so toss on some determinant tests
    output(1,7) = matrix.det(jeb_)
    output(1,8) = matrix.det(c418)
    output(1,9) = matrix.det(newMat)
    ; newMat is now a matrix!
    newMat = jeb_ * c418
    output(2,1) = newMat(1,1)
    output(2,2) = newMat(1,2)
    output(2,3) = newMat(1,3)
    output(2,4) = newMat(2,1)
    output(2,5) = newMat(2,2)
    output(2,6) = newMat(2,3)
    output(2,4) = newMat(3,1)
    output(2,5) = newMat(3,2)
    output(2,6) = newMat(3,3)