
class itasca.clump.pebble.Pebble
Objects of this type should not be created (instantiated) directly in Python. Use the module functions that return instances of this type.
clump() → Clump object.

Get the clump object to which this pebble belongs.

contacts([piece: object, ]all=False, type=None) → tuple of Contact objects.

Get a tuple of contacts associated with this ball. An optional argument can be included which is a piece object (a Ball, a Pebble or a Facet). If the optional keyword argument type is given, the returned list is limited to the contact types specified. The type keyword argument should be a Python type object (one of: itasca.BallBallContact, itasca.BallPebbleContact, itasca.PebblePebbleContact, itasca.BallFacetContact or itasca.PebbleFacetContact). If the (optional) keyword argument all is True the returned list includes virtual contacts.

delete() → None.

Delete this pebble.

extra(slot: int) → any.

Get the pebble extra data in the given slot.

group([slot: str]) → str.

Get the pebble group name in a given slot.

group_remove(group_name: str) → bool.

Remove from the given group from all group slots of the pebble. One argument of type string, giving the group name, is required. The return value is a bool which is True if the group was removed from any slot, otherwise False.

groups() → {slot: group_name}.

Get a dictionary describing which groups this pebble is part of. The keys of the dictionary are the slot names and the values are the group names.

has_prop(property_name: str) → bool.

Returns True if the pebble has the given surface property.

id() → int.

Get the pebble id.

in_group(group_name: str[, slot: str]) → bool.

Test if the pebble is part of a given group. If the optional argument slot is given, only that slot is searched. Otherwise, all group slots are searched.

pos() → vec.

Get the pebble location (vector).

pos_x() → float.

Get the x-component of the pebble location.

pos_y() → float.

Get the y-component of the pebble location.

prop(property_name: str) → any.

Get a surface property value of this pebble.

props() → dict {str: any}.

Get a dictionary of all the surface properties of this pebble.

radius() → float.

Get the pebble radius.

set_extra(slot: int, value: any) → None.

Set the pebble extra data in the given slot.

set_group(group_name: str[, slot: str]) → None.

Set the pebble group name in a given slot.

set_pos(value: vec) → None.

Set the pebble location. (vector).

set_pos_x(value: float) → None.

Set the x-component of the pebble location.

set_pos_y(value: float) → None.

Set the y-component of the pebble location.

set_prop(property_name: str, value: any) → None.

Set a surface property of this pebble.

set_radius(value: float) → None.

Set the pebble radius.

template() → Template object.

Get the clump template this pebble belongs to.

valid() → bool.

Returns True if this pebble is live.

vel() → vec.

Get the pebble velocity (vector).

vel_x() → float.

Get the x-component of the pebble velocity.

vel_y() → float.

Get the y-component of the pebble velocity.