
Functions and classes for working with structural elements.


itasca.structure.count() → int.

Get the number of structural elements.

itasca.structure.find(int) → Structure object.

Get the structural element object with the given ID number.

itasca.structure.list() → Structure element iterator object.

Get the structural element iterator object.

itasca.structure.maxid() → int.

Get the maximum structural element ID.

itasca.structure.mech_convergence() → float.

Get the maximum convergence value (local ratio divided by target ratio) of all structural nodes in the model.

itasca.structure.mech_ratio_avg() → float.

Get the average convergence ratio of all structural nodes in the model.

itasca.structure.mech_ratio_local() → float.

Get the maximum local convergence ratio of all structural nodes in the model.

itasca.structure.mech_ratio_max() → float.

Get the ratio of maximum unbalanced force to average applied force of all structural nodes in the model.

itasca.structure.near(vec3) → Structural element object.

find the closest structural element to a point.

