dip f

dip angle [degrees] of the plane of isotropy

dip-direction f

dip direction [degrees] of the plane of isotropy

normal v

normal direction of the plane of isotropy, (nx,ny,nz)

normal-x f

x-component of unit normal to the plane of isotropy, nx

normal-y f

y-component of unit normal to the plane of isotropy, ny

normal-z f

z-component of unit normal to the plane of isotropy, nz

poisson-normal f

Poisson’s ratio characterizing lateral contraction in the plane of isotropy when tension is applied normal to the plane, ν = ν13 = ν23

poisson-plane f

Poisson’s ratio characterizing lateral contraction in the plane of isotropy when tension is applied in the plane, ν = ν12

shear-normal f

shear modulus for any plane normal to the plane of isotropy, G = G13 = G23

young-plane f

Young’s modulus in the plane of isotropy, E = E1 = E2

young-normal f

Young’s modulus normal to the plane of isotropy, E = E3