building-blocks block id command


building-blocks block id i keyword

Perform an operation on a block (by ID). The operation is performed on block ID i in the current building blocks set.

split face-id i2 v1 v2

Split a block. The splitting is defined by the splitting line on a block face with id i2. The splitting line is defined by the points v1 and v2.

When the points are on opposite edges of a face this is called an edge-to-edge split.

When the points are on opposite corners of a face this is called a diagonal split.

When the points are on a corner and opposite edge of a face this is called a corner split.

When the points are inside a face this is a central split, in which case v1 must be equal to v2 within the tolerance (see building-blocks set tolerance). In the case of a triangular face, it will be treated as the central point of the triangle. The split will start with two cross-split lines with a central point.

The splitting of the block will propagate to the next face-attached block until blocks with already-split faces are reached.