structure node group command


structure node group s1 <keyword> <range>

Primary keywords:

slot    remove

Assign all nodes in the range to the group with the name s1. Use of the group logic is described in Group. A node may only belong to one group in a given slot. Assigning a node to a new group in that slot will cause it to be removed from its current group assignment. The command structure node list command lists the existing node group names.

Both the group and the slot can be encoded into the single string s. To do this, use the composition ‘slotname=groupname’, where the name to the left of the equals sign will be the slot and the name to the right will be the group.

slot s2

If supplied, the slot s2 keyword assigns the group to slot s2; if omitted, the group is assigned to the slot named Default.


Remove all nodes in the range from the group named s. If no slot is specified, then that group will be removed from all slots in which it is found.