structure pile property command
- structure pile property keyword <range>
Primary keywords:
coupling-cohesion-normal coupling-cohesion-shear coupling-cohesion-table coupling-confining-flag coupling-confining-table coupling-friction-normal coupling-friction-shear coupling-friction-table coupling-gap-normal coupling-stiffness-normal coupling-stiffness-shear cross-sectional-area density direction-y moi-polar moi-y moi-z perimeter plastic-moment poisson rockbolt-flag slide slide-tolerance tensile-failure-strain tensile-yield thermal-expansion young
Assign the specified property to all elements in the range.
- coupling-cohesion-normal f
normal coupling spring cohesive strength, cn
- coupling-cohesion-shear f
shear coupling spring cohesive strength, cs
- coupling-cohesion-table s
name of the table relating cohesion of shear coupling spring to relative shear displacement
- coupling-confining-table s
name of the table relating effective confining stress factor to deviatoric stress
- coupling-friction-normal f
normal coupling spring friction angle, fn
- coupling-friction-shear f
shear coupling spring friction angle, fs
- coupling-friction-table s
name of the table relating friction angle of shear coupling spring to relative shear displacement
- coupling-gap-normal b
normal coupling spring gap-use flag, g
- coupling-stiffness-normal f
normal coupling spring stiffness, kn
- coupling-stiffness-shear f
shear coupling spring stiffness, ks
- cross-sectional-area f
cross-sectional area, A
- density f
density, ρ
- direction-y v
y-direction vector components
- moi-polar f
polar moment of inertia, J
- moi-y f
second moment with respect to local y-axis, Iy
- moi-z f
second moment with respect to local z-axis, Iz
- perimeter f
exposed perimeter, p
- plastic-moment f
plastic moment, MP
- poisson f
Poisson’s ratio, ν
- slide b
sliding flag
- slide-tolerance f
sliding tolerance
- tensile-failure-strain f
tensile failure strain (nondimensional)
- tensile-yield f
axial tensile yield strength (force units), [F]
- thermal-expansion f
thermal expansion coefficient, at
- young f
Young’s modulus, E
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