Drained Triaxial Test with CYSoil Model — Constant Dilation
To view this project in FLAC3D, use the menu command . Choose “ConstitutiveModels/ DrainedTriaxialConstantDilationCYSoil” and select “DrainedTriaxialConstantDilationCYSoil.f3dprj” to load. The project’s main data file is shown at the end of this example.
Triaxial tests on dense, medium, and loose sand are simulated using the CYSoil model. The model properties are listed in Table 1. This example does not consider yielding on the cap; therefore, flag_cap is set to 0 (default value). In this case, initial pressure, pini, is required; it is used by the code to calculate for bulk and shear moduli. The dilation is constant; therefore, flag_dilation is set to 1, and a value is assigned to the dilation property. The initial stress state is isotropic, with mean pressure equal to 100 kPa. The cell pressure is kept constant during the test, the base of the model is fixed in the axial (y-) direction, and an axial velocity of 10-6 m/step is applied at the top of the model. In addition, three unloading/reloading excursions are performed.
Parameter | Dense | Medium | Loose |
Gref | 300 | 225 | 150 |
ϕf | 40 | 35 30 | |
ψf | 10 | 5 | 0 |
c | 0 or 100 kPa | ||
pref (kPa) | 100 | ||
pc (kPa) | 100 | ||
ν | 0.2 | ||
m | 0.5 | ||
Rf | 0.9 | ||
β | 0.35 |
A plot of deviatoric stress versus axial strain for the cohesionless simulation is shown in Figure 1 for dense, medium, and loose sand cases. The plot shows the hyperbolic behavior expected from the model, and the higher failure level achieved by the denser soil. Three unloading/reloading excursions are also shown in the figure. The plot of volumetric strain versus axial strain for the cohesionless simulation is shown in Figure 2. The volumetric behavior is monotonic in the plot; the dilatant behavior of the dense sand is clearly shown. The comparable results for the simulation with cohesion set to 100 kPa are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. It is seen from Figure 3 that the initial stiffness of cohesive sand is higher than that of the sand without cohesion. Similarly, deviatoric stress at failure is higher for the cohesive material.

Figure 2: Volumetric strain versus axial strain for dense, medium, and loose sand—constant dilation.

Figure 3: ∣σ1−σ3∣ (in kPa) versus axial strain for dense, medium, and loose sand—constant dilation (dilation = 100 kPa).

Figure 4: Volumetric strain versus axial strain for dense, medium, and loose sand—constant dilation (dilation = 100 kPa).
Data File
; Drained Triaxial Tests - Constant Dilation
model title "Drained triaxial test - cap-yield-soil"
model largestrain off
zone create brick size 1 1 1
zone face skin
zone cmodel assign cap-yield
zone initialize stress xx -100. yy -100. zz -100.
zone face apply stress-norm -100. range group 'East' or 'West'
zone face apply stress-norm -100. range group 'North' or 'South'
zone face apply velocity-z 0. range group 'Bottom'
zone face apply velocity-z -1e-6 range group 'Top'
zone property density 1000 pressure-reference=100. exponent=1.0 beta=0.35 poisson 0.2
zone property flag-dilation=1 friction-mobilized=0
zone property shear-reference=@_Gref friction=@_friu cohesion=@_coh dilation=@_dilu
zone property flag-cap=0 pressure-initial=100.
fish define _cy_q
local _z = zone.head
global _cy_q = zone.prop(_z, 'stress-deviatoric')
global _vsi = zone.strain.vol.inc(_z)
zone history displacement-z position (1,1,1)
fish history @_cy_q
fish history @_vsi
history interval 50
fish define trip
loop local i (1,3)
zone face apply velocity-z -1e-6 range group 'Top'
model step 8000
zone face apply velocity-z 1e-7 range group 'Top'
mode step 6000
zone face apply velocity-z -1e-7 range group 'Top'
model step 6000
model step 3000
zone face apply velocity-z -1e-6 range group 'Top'
model step 23000
history export 2 vs 1 reverse table 'deviatoricStress'
history export 3 vs 1 reverse table 'volumetricStrain'
table 'deviatoricStress' export [string.build('deviatoricStress%1', _IChoice)] truncate
table 'volumetricStrain' export [string.build('volumetricStrain%1', _iChoice)] truncate
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