wall history command
- wall history <name sid > keyword id id or name s or position v
Primary keywords:
displacement displacement-x displacement-y displacement-z euler-x euler-y euler-z force-contact force-contact-x force-contact-y force-contact-z moment-contact moment-contact-x moment-contact-y moment-contact-z position-x position-y position-z rotation spin spin-x spin-y spin-z velocity velocity-x velocity-y velocity-z
Adds a history of a wall value. A history is a table of floating point values assigned by sampling a model attribute periodically during a simulation. Review the common c history commands for details regarding the manipulation of histories.
The history can be assigned a name for later reference with the optional name keyword, if not the history will be given a default name based on its internally assigned id number.
Following one of the keywords given below, either 1) an additional id keyword followed by an integer id, 2) an additional name keyword followed by a string s, or 3) an additional lkwd:position keyword followed by a position vector v must be given to define the specific wall.
- displacement
Magnitude of the accumulated wall displacement vector as a result of cycling.
- displacement-x
The x-component of accumulated displacement as a result of cycling.
- displacement-y
The y-component of accumulated displacement as a result of cycling.
- displacement-z (3D ONLY)
The z-component of accumulated displacement as a result of cycling.
- euler-x (3D ONLY)
The x-euler angle (in degrees) of the current wall orientation. The orientation is updated only when orientation tracking has been enabled (see the
model orientation-tracking
command). See the euler keyword of thewall attribute
- euler-y (3D ONLY)
The y-euler angle (in degrees) of the current wall orientation. The orientation is updated only when orientation tracking has been enabled (see the
model orientation-tracking
command). See the euler keyword of thewall attribute
- euler-z (3D ONLY)
The z-euler angle (in degrees) of the current wall orientation. The orientation is updated only when orientation tracking has been enabled (see the
model orientation-tracking
command). See the euler keyword of thewall attribute
- force-contact
The magnitude of the force resulting from contacts.
- force-contact-x
The x-component of the contact force.
- force-contact-y
The y-component of the contact force.
- force-contact-z (3D ONLY)
The z-component of the contact force.
- moment-contact
{Value in 2D; Magnitude in 3D} of the sum of the contact moments.
- moment-contact-x (3D ONLY)
The x-component of the contact moment.
- moment-contact-y (3D ONLY)
The y-component of the contact moment.
- moment-contact-z (3D ONLY)
The z-component of the contact moment.
- position-x
The x-component of the location of wall centroid.
- position-y
The y-component of the location of wall centroid.
- position-z (3D ONLY)
The z-component of the location of wall centroid.
- rotation (2D ONLY)
Current wall orientation. The orientation is updated only when orientation tracking has been enabled (see
model orientation-tracking
- spin
{Value in 2D; Magnitude in 3D} of the wall angular velocity in radians per second.
- spin-x (3D ONLY)
The x-component of the wall angular velocity in radians per second.
- spin-y (3D ONLY)
The y-component of the wall angular velocity in radians per second.
- spin-z (3D ONLY)
The z-component of the wall angular velocity in radians per second.
- velocity
Magnitude of the wall translational velocity vector.
- velocity-x
The x-component of the wall velocity.
- velocity-y
The y-component of the wall velocity.
- velocity-z
The z-component of the wall velocity.
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