rblock scale command


rblock scale keyword ... <range>

Primary keywords:

diameter    fish-size    keep-inertial    relative    volume

Scale rigid blocks. If the volume or moment of inertia has been previously specified by the user either via the rblock attribute command or via FISH, the principal moments of inertia are in a fixed state and will not be scaled. This can be modified with FISH (see the rblock.moi.fix intrinsic for further details). One can either scale the volume to a target value, the volume to the volume of an equivalent {disk with unit thickness in 2D; sphere in 3D} with a specified diameter, or via the return value of a FISH function.

diameter fdiam

Scale the rigid block to have volume of an equivalent {disk with unit thickness in 2D; sphere in 3D} with a specified diameter.

fish-size sfish fval

Use the FISH function with name sfish to scale the “size” of the rigid block to fval. The FISH function must take a single argument that is a rigid block pointer and return a floating point value corresponding to a linear measure of the rigid block size.


Scale the rblocks for contact detection but keep the volume and moment of inertia unchanged from before scaling.

relative frat

Scale the rigid block to have volume equal to frat multiplied by the current volume.

volume fvol

Scale the rigid block to have volume fvol.