
f =,index,itype)

Get the anisotropic material properties.

The specific property is identified by the index and the type.

The index must be an integer from 1 to 6 and indicates material-stiffness coefficients {c’11, c’12, c’13, c’22, c’23, c’33}, respectively.

Membrane stiffness is indicated by itype = 1, and bending stiffness is indicated by itype = 2.

If the element does not have anisotropic properties, 0.0 will be returned.

See the structure shell property, structure geogrid property, and structure liner property commands.


f - the shell anisoptric material stiffness coefficient indicated by index and itype


p - a pointer to a shell element

index - the index of the material stiffness coefficient, from 1 to 6

itype - indicates membrane (1) or bending (2) stiffness