Data Files for “Rockslide” Example


; Clear the model state 
model new
; Set the random seed for reproducibility
model random 10001

; Set the model domain and destroy any rigid blocks that fly out of the domain
model domain extent -1100 1100 -1100 1100 -300 800 condition destroy 

; Set the linear model with some normal viscous damping and low friction
contact cmat default model linear method deformability emod 1e8 kratio 2.5  ...
                                property fric 0.3 dp_nratio 0.5 dp_mode 1 ...
                                lin_mode 1

;Import the mountain as a wall
geometry import 'slide_mountain.stl'
wall import from-geometry 'slide_mountain' skip-errors

;Add a box around the rigid blocks for settling
wall generate name 'box' box (-720,-660) (818,880) (630,668) one-wall

; Import the stl files of the rigid blocks 
geometry import 'comp1.stl'
geometry import 'comp2.stl'
geometry import 'comp3.stl'
geometry import 'comp4.stl'
geometry import 'comp5.stl'
geometry import 'comp6.stl'

; Create the rigid blocks and round them. The rounding is introduced to 
; both reduce the computational time and to make the edges of the block
; less angular
rblock template create 'comp1' from-geometry 'comp1' round relative 0.1
rblock template create 'comp2' from-geometry 'comp2' round relative 0.1
rblock template create 'comp3' from-geometry 'comp3' round relative 0.1
rblock template create 'comp4' from-geometry 'comp4' round relative 0.1
rblock template create 'comp5' from-geometry 'comp5' round relative 0.1
rblock template create 'comp6' from-geometry 'comp6' round relative 0.1

; Generate non-overlapping rigid blocks in a box and above the surface
rblock generate number 2000 size 0.25 2.5 ...
                            box (-720,-660) (818,880) (630,668) ... 
                            range plane origin (-677.244,828.895,644.82) ...
                            normal (0.220853,-0.560137,0.798418) above
; Set gravity
model gravity 0 0 -10

; Set the density and add local damping
rblock attribute density 2750.0 damp 0.7

; Activate timestep scaling where the timestep is 1 and the masses and
; velocities of the rigid blocks are scaled so they have the same time response
model mechanical timestep scale

; Cycle so that the rigid blocks are densely packed
model cycle 3000

; Go back to automatic timestep scaling
model mechanical timestep auto

; Solve to a target average ratio cleaning velocities periodically
model solve ratio-average 5e-2 calm 1000

; Save the settled rigid blocks
model save 'settle'


model restore 'settle'
model mechanical timestep auto

wall delete range set name 'box'
rblock attribute damp 0.0
contact property fric 0.6 dp_nratio 0.5 dp_mode 1 lin_mode 1
contact cmat default property fric 0.6 dp_nratio 0.5 dp_mode 1 lin_mode 1
model solve time 2.0
model save 'collapse-2'
model solve time 2.0
model save 'collapse-4'
model solve time 2.0
model save 'collapse-6'
model solve time 2.0
model save 'collapse-8'
model solve time 2.0
model save 'collapse-10'
model solve time 10.0
model save 'collapse-20'
model solve time 10.0
model save 'collapse-30'

program return