Smoothjoint Model Properties

The properties of the Smooth-Joint Model model are shown below for reference. More detailed information regarding these properties is presented here.


Some properties are read only as stated below.

ddir (3D) f

θd - joint dip direction in units degrees with default value 0.0.

dip f

θp - joint dip in units degrees with default value 0.0.

sj_area f

A - joint area. This is a read-only property.

sj_coh f

c - cohesion with default value 0.0.

sj_da f

ψ - dilation angle in units degrees with default value 0.0.

sj_fa f

ϕ - joint friction angle in units degrees with default value 0.0.

sj_fn f

Fn - normal force magnitude with default value 0.

sj_fric f

μ - friction coefficient with default value 0.0.

sj_fs v

Fs - shear force vector with default value 0.

sj_gap f

gj - joint gap with default value 0.0.

sj_kn f

kn - normal stiffness per unit area in units force/volume with default value 0.0.

sj_ks f

ks - shear stiffness per unit area in units force/volume with default value 0.0.

sj_large b

Sl - large strain flag with default value false.

sj_radius f

R - joint radius. This is a read-only property.

sj_rmul f

λ - joint radius multiplier with default value 1.0.

sj_shear f

τc - shear strength in units stress with default value 0.0.

sj_slip b

s - slip state. This is a read-only property.

sj_state i

Sj - joint bond state with default value 0.

sj_ten f

σc - tensile strength in units stress with default value 0.0.

sj_un f

δn - normal displacement. This is a read-only property.

sj_unorm v

ˆnj - joint unit normal. This is a read-only property.

sj_us v

δδs - shear displacement. This is a reead-only property.