structure beam property command


structure beam property keyword ... <range>

Primary keywords:

density    youngs    poisson    plastic-moment    thermal-expansion    cross-sectional-area    moi-y    moi-z    moi-polar    direction-y

Assigns a property to elements in the range. The following properties are available.

density f

density (needed if dynamic mode or gravity are active), ρ

youngs f

Young’s modulus, E

poisson f

Poisson’s ratio, ν

plastic-moment f

plastic moment capacity, MP

thermal-expansion f

thermal expansion coefficient, αt

cross-sectional-area f

cross-sectional area, A

moi-y f

second moment with respect to local y-axis, Iy

moi-z f

second moment with respect to local z-axis, Iz

moi-polar f

polar moment of inertia, J

direction-y v

y-axis vector components (Yx, Yy, Yz) whose projection onto the element cross-section defines the y-axis of the element system