Discrete Fracture Network (DFN)
With the DFN module, the fracture population embedded inside a rock mass is viewed as a set of discrete finite sized fractures. By default, the discrete fractures are {line segments in 2D; planar disks in 3D}.
- The DFN module provides an efficient tool to generate and manipulate fractures. The main features are:
import/export of fractures from Itasca and Fracman files
addition of deterministic fractures and generation of stochastic fractures
intersections between fractures, intersections between fractures and outcrop/tunnel surfaces and borehole lines, scanline map calculation
computation of clusters and connectivity properties
fracture simplification methods
definition of mechanical properties for fractures and assignment of these properties to model components
visualization of fractures, outcrop/tunnel trace maps, stereonets
FISH access providing the ability for custom creation, analyses and manipulations
- Based on these features, the following applications are possible:
creation of site-descriptive sets of fractures
calibration of fracture models based on 2D/1D data
derivation of DFN statistical properties
structural analysis of fractures in relation to the resulting mechanical properties
easy creation of numerical models of fractured rocks for mechanical analyses
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