fracture compute
- fracture compute keyword <range>
Primary keywords:
average-trace-length center-density mass-density p10 trace-center-density trace-mass-density percolation
Compute fracture statistics. Various density measures of fractures, filtered by range, can be computed.
- average-trace-length s (3D only)
Return the average trace length, where traces are the intersections between the fractures and the planar geometry set with name s.
- center-density
Return the fracture center density (i.e, P20 in 2D and P30 in 3D).
- mass-density
Return the fracture mass density (i.e., P21 in 2D and P32 in 3D).
- p10 keyword
Return the P10 along the line defined by begin and end, or along the geometry edges defined with the geometry keyword.
- geometry s
P10 is measured along the edges of the geometry set with name s. Cannot be given with the begin or end keywords.
- begin v
Define the starting point of the reference line where P10 is measured. Cannot be given with the geometry keyword.
- end v
Define the ending point of the reference line where P10 is measured. Cannot be given with the geometry keyword.
- trace-center-density s (3D only)
Return the trace center density (i.e., P20), where traces are the intersections between fractures and the planar geometry set with name s.
- trace-mass-density s (3D only)
Return the trace mass density (i.e., P21), where traces are the intersections between the fractures and the planar geometry set with name s.
- percolation <keyword>
Return the percolation parameter. In 2D, p is the sum of the squared fracture lengths per unit volume. In 3D, p is the sum of π2(area/π)1.5 per unit volume, where area is the fracture area. By default the volume used in the calculation is the domain volume.
- box fx1 fx2 fy1 fy2 fz1 fz2 (3D only)
Optionally input the extents of a box in which the percolation is calculated. Only fractures inside of the box are considered in the calculation and the volume of the box is used to calculate p.
- option i (3D only)
An option may be given that determines how the percolation deals with fractures that intersect the edge of the box.
By default (i = 0), any fracture that intersects the edge of the box is not considered in the calculation.
If i = 1, the area of fracture inside the box is used in the calculation above.
If i = 2, a scaled radius is used to calculate the area, where the scaled radius equals the original fracture radius times the ratio of fracture area inside the box to total fracture area.
Usage Example
The following example illustrates how the fracture compute
command can be
used to print fracture statistics (3D).
model new
model random 10000
model domain extent -5 5
;Generate fractures using the default template
fracture generate fracture-count 100
;Create a line for p10 calculation
geometry set 'p10line'
geometry edge create by-positions (-5,0,0) (5,0,0)
;List some information
fracture compute mass-density
fracture compute center-density
;List the p10 for both the line and by specifying the line ends
fracture compute p10 begin (-5,0,0) end (5,0,0)
fracture compute p10 geometry 'p10line'
See Also: fracture verify-file
| fracture export
| fracture import
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