Input Instructions for Creep Modeling

Creep Commands

The following commands are provided to run creep problems. The command model configure creep must be the first creep command given before any other creep commands are invoked. model configure creep can be specified at any stage of an analysis.

Table 1: Creep Commands

model configure creep

model history creep

model results interval creep

model solve creep

model creep

FLAC3D-specific Creep Commands

zone creep

zone cmodel assign

zone property

zone relax excavate table creep

zone relax modify table creep

3DEC-specific Creep Commands

block zone cmodel assign

block zone property

Creep FISH Variables

The following scalar variables are available in a FLAC3D FISH function to assist with creep analysis.

Table 2: Creep FLAC3D FISH Functions
