Switch/Keyword Options
When using commands for plotting, a number of plot item switches will terminate in an option — a name or value for a color when specifying color, for instance. Each heading below presents commonly encountered switches for FLAC3D plot items, with instructions on usage and terminal keywords.
When the keyword color is used, color may be specified in the following way:
by red, greed, blue (RGB) intensity, as integers. Usage: color rgb 10 20 255. Integer values in each position range from 0 to 255.
by red, green, blue (RGB) intensity, as hexadecimal values. Usage: color "colRRGGBB", where RR, GG, and BB are two-digit hex codes (so "colFFFFFF" gives white; "col000000" gives black).
by hue, saturation, and value (HSV). Usage: color hsv 300 100 200. Integer values for hue range from 0 to 359; values for saturation and value range from 0 to 255.
by name: there are 174 named colors; see table below. Usage: color "darkgold". The list of colors is derived from http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/types.html#ColorKeywords. for a list
See the table below for a visual guide. There is a special color name none. Anything rendered in this color is instead not rendered at all.
Color Ramps
Contour plots use pre-defined ramps of color.
Usage: ramp keyword, where keyword may be one of: rainbow greyscale bwr bcwyr gwr
See the table below for an illustration of each color ramp.
Lines have settings for:
Color — use line color with a valid color specification (see above)
Visibility — use line active on or line active off to show/hide line rendering
Style — use line style with one of the six options listed on the table below.
Width — use line width and a value between 1 and 10, where 1 is the thinnest line width (one pixel).
The table below provides a visual reference.
Text will provide settings to control:
Color — use text color with a valid color specification (see above)
Visibility — use text active on or text active off to show/hide line rendering
Typeface — use text family with a font-face name (e.g., "Times New Roman") to set the typeface
Type size - use text size with an integer to indicate type size
Style — use text style to set the type style to one of: normal bold italic bolditalic (normal is the default)
Content — Some items will provide a control to specify the text that is to be used, in which case text text s may be used, where s is the specified text
Tables of Values
rainbow |
greyscale |
bwr |
bcwyr |
gwr |
styles |
none |
solid |
dash |
dot |
dashdot |
dashdotdot |
widths |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
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