rblock damping command


rblock damping <keyword>

Primary keywords:

combined    local

Specify local (the default) or combined damping. If a local damping coefficient is specified for rigid blocks with the rblock attribute command then local damping is active. This command must be given to activate combined damping contributions, or to deactivate combined damping.


Specify combined damping. Combined damping adds a damping force to the translational and rotational equations of motion composed of contributions related to: 1) changes in the sign of the velocity and 2) changes in the sign of the total force. The local damping coefficient is used as set by the rblock attribute command. The formulation is described in detail here and only applies to rigid blocks.


Specify local damping (the default). Local damping adds a damping force to the translational and rotational equations of motion only when the sign of the velocity changes for each degree of freedom. The local damping formulation is described in here.