zone gridpoint list command


zone gridpoint list keyword <range>

Primary keywords:

acceleration    apply    damping    displacement    dynamic    extra    fluid    force    group    information    position    system    temperature    velocity    zone

Display gridpoint information in the console. The following keywords are available to choose which information to list.

acceleration <local>

Gridpoint acceleration. The optional local keyword specifies that acceleration should be reported in local gridpoint coordinates; the default is in model/global coordinates.

apply <local>

Gridpoint applied forces. The optional local keyword specifies that acceleration should be reported in local gridpoint coordinates; the default is in model/global coordinates.


Gridpoint damping parameters

displacement <local>

Gridpoint displacements. The optional local keyword specifies that acceleration should be reported in local gridpoint coordinates; the default is in model/global coordinates.


Gridpoint dynamic damping parameters

extra i

Extra gridpoint variable for extra array index i


Gridpoint information on fluid, including pore-pressure and fluid fixity, as well as saturation, Biot modulus, fluid modulus and fluid tension if model configure fluid-flow has been specified.

force <local>

Gridpoint unbalanced forces. The optional local keyword specifies that acceleration should be reported in local gridpoint coordinates; the default is in model/global coordinates.

group <slot s >

Gridpoint group assignments. When the optional slot is supplied, only groups in that slot are listed; otherwise all groups are listed.


General gridpoint information: position, mass, fixity, and applied-velocity for each gridpoint. This is the default option if no keyword is given when zone.gridpoint.list is used.


Position coordinates of gridpoint.


Gridpoint local coordinate system, if the local coordinate system is specified.


Gridpoint temperature; only available if model configure thermal has been specified.

velocity <local>

Gridpoint velocities. The optional local keyword specifies that acceleration should be reported in local gridpoint coordinates; the default is in model/global coordinates.


List of zones connected to gridpoint.