

v := zone.plane.traction(z,vdir<,arr>)

Get the traction on the zone in the plane normal to vdir (3D or 2D vector).

If arr is given, it is filled with the normal and shear stress on the plane normal to vdir (in 2D plane-strain analysis, the plane is assumed to extend in out-of-plane direction). arr(1) is the normal stress, arr(2) is the maximum shear stress, and arr(3) through arr(5) are the (x, y, z) components of the maximum shear stress direction (in FLAC3D). For FLAC2D, maximum shear stress direction has only (x,`y`) components, thus the array size must be 2.


v - the traction on the zone in the plane (3D or 2D vector)


z - a pointer to a zone

vdir - the direction normal to the plane

arr - an optional pointer to an array, which is filled with the normal stress, maximum shear stress, and the maximum shear stress direction