
Array interface for pile elements.


itasca.structure.pilearray.area() array float{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the cross-section area of the pile elements.

itasca.structure.pilearray.axial_yield() array float{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the axial tensile yield strength (force units) of the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.component_id() array int{pile}.

Get a NumPy array of the ID of pile component id.

itasca.structure.pilearray.density() array double{pile}.

Get a NumPy array of the density of pile elements.

itasca.structure.pilearray.extra(slot: int) array float{pile} or float{pile,3}.

Get the pile extra data in the given slot as an array. Extra variables accessed by array must be of type float or vec.

itasca.structure.pilearray.force() array float(pile,6).

Get a Numpy array of the force at each end of the pile using the force-moment sign convention.

itasca.structure.pilearray.force_nodal() array float(pile,12).

Get a Numpy array of the generalized nodal force acting at each end in the global system. The end 1 translational and rotational components are given first. arrat float(pile,2,4).

Get a Numpy array of the gap components in normal spring at each end of the pile element. The gap forms a rectangular shape in the pile cross-sectional plane, which is defined by the local yz-axes of the pile element node. The gap consists of four values denoting gap size in the positive and negative y- and z-directions. The components are the positive y-direction, negative y-direction, positive z-direction, and negative z-direction, respectively. The gap is always being tracked, but only affects behavior if the normal coupling spring gap-use flag function. The gap values for end 1 are given first. array int{pile}.

Get a NumPy array of the ID of pile element id.

itasca.structure.pilearray.in_group(group_name: str, slot=1) array bool{pile}.

Return pile group membership as a Boolean array.

itasca.structure.pilearray.length() array float{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the length of the pile elements.

itasca.structure.pilearray.load() array float{pile,3}.

Get a Numpy array of the uniform applied distributed load acting on the pile elements in the local y- and z-directions. The x-component of the return value will always be 0.0.

itasca.structure.pilearray.local_system() array double{pile,3,3}.

Get a NumPy array of the local coordinate system of pile elements.

itasca.structure.pilearray.mark() array bool{pile}.

Get a NumPy array of the mark flag of pile elements.

itasca.structure.pilearray.moment() float(pile,6).

Get a Numpy array of the moment at each end of the pile using the force-moment sign convention.

itasca.structure.pilearray.moment_plastic() array float{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the plastic moment capacity in the pile.

itasca.structure.pilearray.moment_plastic_y() array float{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the plastic moment capacity in Y in the pile.

itasca.structure.pilearray.moment_plastic_z() array float{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the plastic moment capacity in Z in the pile.

itasca.structure.pilearray.normal_cohesion() array float{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the normal coupling spring cohesive strength of the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.normal_dir() array float{pile,2,3}.

Get a Numpy array of the global direction in which the pile element is being loaded by the coupling normal spring at each end.

itasca.structure.pilearray.normal_disp() array float{pile,2}.

Get a Numpy array of the displacement in the coupling normal spring at each end of the pile element. Sign convention for normal spring is positive/negative, indicating separation/overlap.

itasca.structure.pilearray.normal_friction() array float{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the normal coupling spring friction angle of the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.normal_gap() array bool{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the normal coupling spring gap-use flag. True denotes gap is on, and False value denotes gap is off.

itasca.structure.pilearray.normal_state() array int{pile,2}.

Get a Numpy array of the yield state of the coupling normal spring at each end of the pile element. Return values 0, 1 and 2 denotes never yielded, now yielding, or yielded in the past, respectively.

itasca.structure.pilearray.normal_stiffness() array float{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the normal coupling spring stiffness of the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.normal_stress() array float{pile,2}.

Get a Numpy array of the stress in the coupling normal spring at each end of the pile element. Sign convention for the normal spring is positive/negative, indicating separation/overlap.

itasca.structure.pilearray.perimeter() array float{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the exposed perimeter of the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.poisson() array float{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the Poisson’s ratio of the pile elements.

itasca.structure.pilearray.pos() array vec3{pile}.

Get a NumPy array of the current position of pile elements.

itasca.structure.pilearray.rockbolt() array bool{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of a boolean flag of the rockbolt. True denotes the rockbolt flag is on, and False denotes the rockbolt flag is off.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_area(array float{pile}) None.

Set the cross-section area of the elements.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_axial_yield(array float{pile}) None.

Set the axial tensile yield strength (force units) of the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_density(array double{pile}) None.

Set the density of pile elements.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_extra(slot: int, data: array float{pile} or float{pile, 3}) None.

Set the pile extra data in the given slot with an array. Extra variables set by array must be of type float or vec.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_group(membership: array bool{pile}, group_name: str, slot=1) None.

Set pile group from an array. Where membership True set the corresponding pile to be a member of group group_name in the given slot.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_load(array float{pile, 3}) None.

Set the uniform applied distributed load acting on the pile elements in the local y- and z-directions. The x-component is ignored on assignment.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_mark(array bool{pile}) None.

Set the mark flag of pile elements.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_moment_plastic(array float{pile}) None.

Set the plastic moment capacity in the pile.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_moment_plastic_y(array float{pile}) None.

Set the plastic moment capacity in Y in the pile.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_moment_plastic_z(array float{pile}) None.

Set the plastic moment capacity in Z in the pile.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_normal_cohesion(array float{pile}) None.

Set the normal coupling spring cohesive strength of the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_normal_friction(array float{pile}) None.

Set the normal coupling spring friction angle of the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_normal_gap(array bool{pile}) None.

Set the normal coupling spring gap-use flag. True denotes gap is on, and False value denotes gap is off.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_normal_stiffness(array float{pile}) None.

Set the normal coupling spring stiffness of the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_perimeter(array float{pile}) None.

Set the exposed perimeter of the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_poisson(array float{pile}) None.

Set the Poisson’s ratio of the pile elements.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_rockbolt(array bool{pile}) None.

Set a boolean flag of the rockbolt. True denotes the rockbolt flag is on, and False denotes the rockbolt flag is off.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_shear_cohesion(array float{pile}) None.

Set the shear coupling spring cohesive strength of the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_shear_flag(array bool{pile}) None.

Set the shear direction incremental confining stress flag. True denotes the flag is on, False denotes the flag is off.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_shear_friction(array float{pile}) None.

Set the shear coupling spring friction angle of the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_shear_stiffness(float) None.

Set the shear coupling spring stiffness of the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_slide(array bool{pile}) None.

Set a boolean flag of slide. True denotes the slide flag is on, and False denotes the slide flag is off.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_slide_tol() array float{pile}.

Set the large-strain sliding tolerance of the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_strain_failure(array float{pile}) None.

Set the tensile failure strain (non-dimensional) of the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_table_cohesion(array str{pile}) None.

Set the shear direction cohesion strength table name for the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_table_factor(array str{pile}) None.

Set the shear direction friction table name for the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_table_friction(array str{pile}) None.

Set the shear direction incremental confining stress factor table name for the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_thermal_expansion(array double{pile}) None.

Set the thermal expansion coefficient of pile elements.

itasca.structure.pilearray.set_young(array float{pile}) None.

Set the Youngs modulus of the pile elements.

itasca.structure.pilearray.shear_cohesion() array float{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the shear coupling spring cohesive strength of the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.shear_dir() array float{pile,2,3}.

Get a Numpy array of the global direction in which the pile element is being loaded by the coupling shear spring at each end.

itasca.structure.pilearray.shear_disp() array float{pile,2,3}.

Get a Numpy array of the displacement in coupling shear spring at each end of the pile element. Sign convention for shear spring is positive/negative with respect to the average axial direction of pile.

itasca.structure.pilearray.shear_flag() array bool{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the shear direction incremental confining stress flag. True denotes the flag is on, False denotes the flag is off.

itasca.structure.pilearray.shear_friction() array float{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the shear coupling spring friction angle of the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.shear_state() None.

Get a Numpy array of the yield state of the coupling shear spring at each end of the pile element. Return a values of 0, 1 and 2 denote never yielded, now yielding, or yielded in the past, respectively.

itasca.structure.pilearray.shear_stiffness() array float{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the shear coupling spring stiffness of the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.shear_stress() array float{pile,2}.

Get a Numpy array of the stress in coupling shear spring at each end of the pile element. Sign convention for shear spring is positive/negative with respect to the average axial direction of pile.

itasca.structure.pilearray.slide() array bool{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of a boolean flag of slide. True denotes the slide flag is on, and False denotes the slide flag is off.

itasca.structure.pilearray.slide_tol() array float{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the large-strain sliding tolerance of the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.strain_failure() array float{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the tensile failure strain (non-dimensional) of the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.stress_confining() array float{pile,2}.

Get a Numpy array of the confining stress at each end of the pile element. (Negative value is compression.) Stress acts in a plane perpendicular to the pile axis; confining stress is the average of the principal values in this plane.

itasca.structure.pilearray.table_cohesion() array str{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the shear direction cohesion strength table name for the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.table_factor() array str{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the shear direction friction table name for the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.table_friction() array str{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the shear direction incremental confining stress factor table name for the pile element.

itasca.structure.pilearray.thermal_expansion() array double{pile}.

Get a NumPy array of the thermal expansion coefficient of pile elements.

itasca.structure.pilearray.type() array string{pile}.

Get a NumPy array of the type name of pile elements.

itasca.structure.pilearray.volume() array float{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the pile elements volume, equal to the cross-sectional area times the length.

itasca.structure.pilearray.ydir() array float{pile,3}.

Get a Numpy array of the y-axis of the pile elements local system.

itasca.structure.pilearray.young() array float{pile}.

Get a Numpy array of the Youngs modulus of the pile elements.