Itasca module.
- itasca.add_save_variable(variable_name: string) None.
Add the name of Python variable name to the list of variables to be saved in the save file.
- itasca.clear_save_variables() None.
Clear the list of names of the Python variables to be saved in the save file.
- itasca.command(command: string) None.
Issue a command.
- itasca.cycle() int.
Get the cycle number.
- itasca.deterministic() bool.
Get the deterministic mode. In deterministic mode, all model runs starting with identical initial conditions result in identical solutions at the cost of a > 20% reduction in performance. In nondeterministic mode, on the other hand, identical initial conditions may lead to divergent solutions. The divergence is due only to the order of summation, and all solutions are equally valid to machine precision.
- itasca.dim() int.
Get the code dimensionality.
- itasca.dockWidget(window name: string, dock location: string, add close controls: bool) Pointer to QDockWidget.
Return a pointer to an empty QDockWidget with the specified attributes. One must use shiboken.wrapInstance to access the QDockWidget class through PySide bindings.
- itasca.domain_condition(value: string) string.
Get the domain condition given a domain direction. Acceptable values are {‘x’ or ‘y’ in 2D; ‘x’, ‘y’ or ‘z’ in 3D}.
- itasca.domain_max() vec.
Get domain upper bound (vector).
- itasca.domain_max_x() float.
Get the x-component of domain upper bound.
- itasca.domain_max_y() float.
Get the y-component of domain upper bound.
- itasca.domain_max_z() float.
Get the z-component of domain upper bound.
- itasca.domain_min() vec.
Get domain lower bound (vector).
- itasca.domain_min_x() float.
Get the x-component of domain lower bound.
- itasca.domain_min_y() float.
Get the y-component of domain lower bound.
- itasca.domain_min_z() float.
Get the z-component of domain lower bound.
- itasca.domain_strain_rate() tens3.
Get the domain strain-rate tensor.
- itasca.fos() float.
Get the factor of safety.
- itasca.get_save_variables() tuple of str.
Get the names of the Python variables to be saved in the save file.
- itasca.gravity() vec.
Get the gravity (vector).
- itasca.gravity_x() float.
Get the x-component of the gravity.
- itasca.gravity_y() float.
Get the y-component of the gravity.
- itasca.gravity_z() float.
Get the z-component of the gravity.
- str) int.
Return the group index associated with a given group name. A group index can be used instead of a string for faster execution.
- itasca.mainWindow() QMainWindow.
Get the string pointer address of the QMainWindow.
- itasca.mech_age() float.
Return the accumulated mechanical time.
- itasca.remove_callback(function_name: str, call_point: float or str) None.
Remove a python function from the callback system. The first argument is the string name of a function and the second argument can either be a float (which gives the location in the cycling sequence) or a string corresponding to one of the pre-defined callback events.
- itasca.remove_save_variable(variable_name: string) None.
Remove the name of the Python variable from the list of variables to be saved in the save file.
- itasca.set_callback(function_name: str, call_point: float or str) None.
Register a python function to be called during the cycling sequence. The first argument is the string name of a function and the second argument can either be a float (which gives the location in the cycling sequence) or a string corresponding to one of the pre-defined callback events. A function of the given name should exist in the __main__ python namespace and should be callable with any number of arguments.
- itasca.set_deterministic(value: bool) None.
Set the deterministic mode. In deterministic mode, all model runs starting with identical initial conditions result in identical solutions at the cost of a > 20% reduction in performance. In nondeterministic mode, on the other hand, identical initial conditions may lead to divergent solutions. The divergence is due only to the order of summation, and all solutions are equally valid to machine precision.
- itasca.set_domain_condition(direction: string, condition: string) None.
Set the domain condition for a given domain direction. Acceptable values of the domain direction are {‘x’ or ‘y’ in 2D; ‘x’, ‘y’ or ‘z’ in 3D}. Acceptable conditions are ‘destroy’, ‘periodic’, ‘reflect’ and ‘stop’.
- itasca.set_domain_max(value: vec) None.
Set domain upper bound (vector).
- itasca.set_domain_max_x(value: float) None.
Set the x-component of domain upper bound.
- itasca.set_domain_max_y(value: float) None.
Set the y-component of domain upper bound.
- itasca.set_domain_max_z(value: float) None.
Set the y-component of domain upper bound.
- itasca.set_domain_min(value: vec) None.
Set domain lower bound (vector).
- itasca.set_domain_min_x(value: float) None.
Set the x-component of domain lower bound.
- itasca.set_domain_min_y(value: float) None.
Set the y-component of domain lower bound.
- itasca.set_domain_min_z(value: float) None.
Set the y-component of domain lower bound.
- itasca.set_domain_strain_rate(stress: tens3) None.
Set the domain strain-rate tensor.
- itasca.set_gravity(value: vec) None.
Set the gravity (vector).
- itasca.set_gravity_x(value: float) None.
Set the x-component of the gravity.
- itasca.set_gravity_y(value: float) None.
Set the y-component of the gravity.
- itasca.set_gravity_z(value: float) None.
Set the y-component of the gravity.
- itasca.set_threads(value: int) None.
Set the number of threads.
- itasca.slot(slot_name: str) int.
Return the slot index associated with a given group name. A slot index can be used instead of a string for faster execution.
- itasca.state_callbacks() dict {any: tuple of str}.
Return a dictionary of the currently defined Python new, save and restore callback events. The return value is a dictionary, the keys are the callback points and the values are tuples of Python function names given as strings.
- itasca.threads() int.
Get the number of threads.
- itasca.timestep() float.
Get the global timestep.
- attach
- ball
- ballarray
- ballballarray
- ballfacetarray
- ballpebblearray
- ballrblockarray
- block
- blockarray
- cfdarray
- clump
- clumparray
- contact
- dfn
- element
- facetarray
- fish
- flowknot
- flowknotarray
- flowplane
- flowplanearray
- geometry
- gridpoint
- gridpointarray
- history
- interface
- interfacearray
- interfaceelementarray
- interfacenodearray
- measure
- pebblearray
- pebblefacetarray
- pebblepebblearray
- pebblerblockarray
- rblock
- rblockarray
- rblockfacetarray
- rblockrblockarray
- structure
- util
- vertexarray
- wall
- wallarray
- zone
- zonearray
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