Itasca C++ Interface
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#pragma once
3#include "conmodelbase.h"
4#include "state.h"
5#include "base/src/property.h"
6#include <vector>
7#include <iostream>
18namespace models {
20 struct State;
32 class CONMODEL_EXPORT ConstitutiveModel {
33 public:
40 virtual string getName() const=0;
42 virtual string getPluginName() const { return getName(); }
49 virtual string getFullName() const=0;
51 virtual bool isNull() const { return false; }
54 virtual bool isModelAdvanced() const { return false; }
56 virtual bool isKGEv() const { return false; }
58 virtual bool isOriented() const { return false; }
61 virtual bool isCreep() const { return false; }
63 virtual bool isLiquefaction() const { return false; }
68 virtual unsigned getMinorVersion() const;
74 virtual string getProperties() const=0; // comma delimited
81 virtual string getStates() const=0;
87 virtual base::Property getProperty(uint32 index) const=0;
97 virtual void setProperty(uint32,const base::Property &,uint32=0) { setValid(0); }
101 virtual bool isPropertyReadOnly(uint32) const { return false; }
104 virtual bool isPropertyAdvanced(uint32) const { return false; }
108 virtual void save(std::ostream &o) const;
110 virtual void restore(std::istream &i,uint32 restoreVersion);
114 virtual ConstitutiveModel *clone() const=0;
119 virtual double getConfinedModulus() const=0;
123 virtual double getShearModulus() const=0;
126 virtual double getBulkModulus() const=0;
132 virtual void copy(const ConstitutiveModel *mod);
134 virtual bool performMixing() const { return false; }
136 virtual void mixStrain(uint32,State *,SymTensor *,double *) { }
145 virtual void run(uint32 d,State *s) { if (!isValid(d)) initialize(d,s); }
147 virtual void mixStress(uint32,State *,SymTensor *,double *) { }
159 virtual void initialize(uint32 d,State *) { setValid(d); }
164 virtual double getStrengthStressRatio(const SymTensor &) const { return 10.0; }
170 virtual void scaleProperties(const double &,const std::vector<uint32> &) { throw std::logic_error("Does not support property scaling"); }
172 virtual bool supportsHystereticDamping() const { return false; }
174 virtual bool supportsStrengthStressRatio() const { return false; }
176 virtual bool supportsPropertyScaling() const { return false; }
179 virtual bool supportsSmallStrainEffect() const { return false; }
181 virtual bool supportsPlaneStress() const { return false; }
183 virtual bool supportsUniaxial() const { return false; }
185 virtual bool supportsPlasticStrain() const { return false; }
187 virtual void destroy() { delete this; }
190 ConstitutiveModel(unsigned short option=0);
192 virtual ~ConstitutiveModel();
193 void* operator new(size_t size, const char* file, unsigned line);
194 void* operator new(size_t size);
195 void operator delete(void* v);
199 static uint32 getLibraryMinorVersion();
201 bool isValid(uint32 d) const { return valid_==to<int8>(d); }
203 void setValid(uint32 d) { valid_ = to<int8>(d); }
206 bool canFail() const { return canFail_; }
208 void setIfCanFail(bool b) { canFail_ = b; }
210 std::vector<unsigned short> gEOB() const;
212 void sEOB(const std::vector<unsigned short> &reply);
214 bool cEOB() const;
215 static void *(* conModelMemoryAlloc)(size_t s);
216 static void *(* conModelMemoryAllocDebug)(size_t s,const char *file,uint32 line);
217 static void (* conModelMemoryFree)(void *v);
219 private:
220 int8 valid_ = 0;
221 bool canFail_ = true;
222 uint16 option_ = 0;
224 public:
225 // ensure the same bits for all models
226 static constexpr uint32 shear_now = 0x001;
227 static constexpr uint32 tension_now = 0x002;
228 static constexpr uint32 shear_past = 0x004;
229 static constexpr uint32 tension_past = 0x008;
230 static constexpr uint32 joint_shear_now = 0x010;
231 static constexpr uint32 joint_tension_now = 0x020;
232 static constexpr uint32 joint_shear_past = 0x040;
233 static constexpr uint32 joint_tension_past = 0x080;
234 static constexpr uint32 volume_now = 0x100;
235 static constexpr uint32 volume_past = 0x200;
236 // shared frequently used constants
237 static constexpr double pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950;
238 static constexpr double degrad = 0.01745329251994329576923690768488;
239 static constexpr double d1d3 = 0.33333333333333333333333333333333;
240 static constexpr double d2d3 = 0.66666666666666666666666666666667;
241 static constexpr double d4d3 = 1.33333333333333333333333333333333;
242 static constexpr double rt6 = 2.44948974278317809819728407470589; // sqrt(6.0)
243 };
245# define C_M ConstitutiveModel
246} // namespace models
249// EoF
A symmetric 2nd order tensor.
Definition symtensor.h:22
Definition property.h:25
The base class for constitutive model plug-ins.
Definition conmodel.h:32
virtual bool supportsStrengthStressRatio() const
Returns true if strength-stress ratio calculations are supported via getStrengthStressRatio().
Definition conmodel.h:174
virtual void setProperty(uint32, const base::Property &, uint32=0)
Sets the value of the property with index i (base 1).
Definition conmodel.h:97
virtual void initialize(uint32 d, State *)
Initializes the constitutive model in preparation for calls to run().
Definition conmodel.h:159
virtual bool supportsPlasticStrain() const
Returns true if palstic strain calculation is supported.
Definition conmodel.h:185
virtual bool isKGEv() const
Return TRUE if the model can input (bulk,shear) or (young,poisson).
Definition conmodel.h:56
virtual bool supportsSmallStrainEffect() const
Definition conmodel.h:179
virtual double getConfinedModulus() const =0
Return estimate of maximum confined modulus.
virtual string getPluginName() const
There should be no reason for an implementation to override the default behavior of this function.
Definition conmodel.h:42
virtual ConstitutiveModel * clone() const =0
Returns an instance this class.
virtual bool supportsPropertyScaling() const
Returns true if property scaling is supported for factor-of-safety calculations via scaleProperties()...
Definition conmodel.h:176
bool isValid(uint32 d) const
Indicates whether initializion is necessary - by dimension.
Definition conmodel.h:201
virtual bool isPropertyReadOnly(uint32) const
Definition conmodel.h:101
virtual void mixStrain(uint32, State *, SymTensor *, double *)
User defined strain mixing technique. .
Definition conmodel.h:136
virtual bool isModelAdvanced() const
Definition conmodel.h:54
virtual double getStrengthStressRatio(const SymTensor &) const
Returns the ratio of the stress tensor to the current yield strength.
Definition conmodel.h:164
virtual string getStates() const =0
Returns a string containing state names.
virtual void scaleProperties(const double &, const std::vector< uint32 > &)
Scales failure property indices v by the factor f.
Definition conmodel.h:170
virtual string getName() const =0
Must be unique, used to identify model in save/restore, on command line, filename.
virtual bool isOriented() const
Return TRUE if the model can input (dip, dip-direction) or (norm).
Definition conmodel.h:58
void setIfCanFail(bool b)
Specifies whether or not "failure" is being allowed for this instanced of the constitutive model.
Definition conmodel.h:208
virtual double getBulkModulus() const =0
Return estimate of tangent bulk-modulus.
virtual void run(uint32 d, State *s)
Calculate stress increment given a strain increment.
Definition conmodel.h:145
virtual bool supportsPlaneStress() const
Returns true if 2D plane-stress is supported by run().
Definition conmodel.h:181
virtual void mixStress(uint32, State *, SymTensor *, double *)
User defined stress mixing technique. .
Definition conmodel.h:147
virtual bool isNull() const
Returns true if this model represents a NULL material. Only the NULL model should return true.
Definition conmodel.h:51
bool canFail() const
Definition conmodel.h:206
virtual void destroy()
There should be no reason for an implementation to change the default behavior of this function.
Definition conmodel.h:187
virtual base::Property getProperty(uint32 index) const =0
Return the value of the property of that index (base 1).
virtual string getFullName() const =0
The full name of the model.
virtual string getProperties() const =0
Returns a string containing the names of model properties.
virtual bool supportsUniaxial() const
Returns true if 1D uniaxial is supported by run().
Definition conmodel.h:183
virtual bool isPropertyAdvanced(uint32) const
Definition conmodel.h:104
virtual bool isCreep() const
Definition conmodel.h:61
void setValid(uint32 d)
Sets the current valid state to dimension dim.
Definition conmodel.h:203
virtual bool isLiquefaction() const
Return TRUE if the model should be considered "Liquefaction" model.
Definition conmodel.h:63
virtual double getShearModulus() const =0
Return estimate of tangent shear-modulus.
virtual bool supportsHystereticDamping() const
Returns true if hysteretic damping is supported by run(). See State::hysteretic_damping_.
Definition conmodel.h:172
virtual bool performMixing() const
Set true if an alternative mixing technqiue rather than the default one in the code is used....
Definition conmodel.h:134
EXPORT_TAG unsigned getMinorVersion()
Definition fishexample.cpp:62
EXPORT_TAG const char * getName()
Definition fishexample.cpp:43
The base class for constitutive model plug-ins.
The Constitutive Model interface library.
Definition conmodel.cpp:7
The structure used to pass information to the constitutive model.
Definition state.h:32