Itasca C++ Interface
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#pragma once
2// icablething.h
4#include "iblockdef.h"
5#include "base/src/farray.h"
15namespace itasca
17 class IThing;
20namespace block
26 class ISELNodeThing;
27 class ISelProp;
28 class IDowelThing;
31 {
32 public:
35 inline static const TType type_ = 0x52c57fbf;
37 virtual const itasca::IThing * getIThing() const=0;
41 virtual quint64 getCableElementID() const=0;
43 virtual quint64 getSELCollectionID() const=0;
45 virtual DVect3 getLocation() const=0;
47 virtual DVect3 getNormal() const = 0;
49 virtual FInt getFortranOffset() const=0;
51 virtual int getMaterial() const=0;
53 virtual double getAxialForce() const=0;
55 virtual double getAxialStress() const=0;
57 virtual double getAxialStrain() const=0;
59 virtual double getThermalForce() const = 0;
61 virtual double getLength() const=0;
63 virtual QString getStateString() const=0;
64 // get node for input nodeNum (0 - 1)
65 virtual const ISELNodeThing * getNode(uint nodeNum) const=0;
67 virtual const ISelProp * getSelProp() const=0;
70 // get axial force as a percentage of strength
71 virtual double getAxialForcePcStrength() const = 0;
72 };
74} // end namespace block
75// EOF
An array class that attempts to minimize unnecessary heap access.
Definition farray.h:25
Definition icablething.h:31
virtual double getLength() const =0
Return cable element length.
virtual quint64 getCableElementID() const =0
Get ID of element in C++ container (not Fortran offset)
static const TType type_
type used in IThing typing system
Definition icablething.h:35
virtual double getAxialStrain() const =0
Return the axial strain (in bolt)
virtual QString getStateString() const =0
return cable element state string
virtual double getAxialStress() const =0
Return the axial stress (in bolt)
virtual FInt getFortranOffset() const =0
Return element fortran offset.
virtual itasca::IThing * getIThing()=0
Returns a IThing pointer.
virtual const itasca::IThing * getIThing() const =0
Returns a const IThing pointer.
virtual int getMaterial() const =0
Return material number.
virtual quint64 getSELCollectionID() const =0
Return ID of collection of SEL elements.
virtual double getAxialForce() const =0
Return the axial force in bolt element (tension positive)
virtual DVect3 getNormal() const =0
Returns unit vector along cable length.
virtual DVect3 getLocation() const =0
Returns centroid position.
virtual const ISelProp * getSelProp() const =0
Return pointer to structural element property data.
virtual double getThermalForce() const =0
Return thermal force.
virtual FArray< const IDowelThing * > getDowels() const =0
Return list of dowels associated with this cable segment.
This is the interface for SELNodeThing, a class that holds extra data not in the fortran arrays....
Definition iselnodething.h:30
This interface provides access to cable thing. The fortran offset for the SelProp ID is $ktypcpp in t...
Definition iselprop.h:27
Base class for items that will be stored in containers.
Definition ithing.h:30
An array class that attempts to minimize unnecessary heap access.
uint32 TType
class type indicator
Definition basedef.h:46
int32 FInt
Interface to provide access to 3DEC modules, global data, list of 3DEC entities, etc.
Definition iblockdef.h:19
Fortran to C++ type declarations.
namespace Itasca
Definition basememory.cpp:14