21 class IFlowPlaneThing;
22 class IFlowPlaneVertexThing;
Definition iflowplanething.h:28
This is the interface for FlowPlaneVertexThing, a C++ wrapper for a flow plane vertex This will be st...
Definition iflowplanevertexthing.h:28
Definition iflowzonething.h:25
virtual DVect3 getVelocity() const =0
Return fluid velocity vector for the flow zone.
virtual bool getCracked() const =0
Return true if zone is cracked.
virtual double getViscosity() const =0
Return fluid viscosity associated with flow zone.
virtual const IFlowPlaneVertexThing * getFlowPlaneVertex(int n) const =0
Return a vertex of the flow zone. Input vertex number n (0-2)
virtual quint64 getFlowPlaneID() const =0
Return the id of the host flow plane.
virtual FInt getFortranOffset() const =0
Return flow zone fortran offset.
virtual DVect3 getLocation() const =0
Return the flow zone locaton.
virtual DVect3 getDischarge() const =0
Return fluid discharge vector for the flow zone.
virtual quint64 getFlowPlaneVertexID(int n) const =0
Return a vertex id of the flow plane. Input vertex number n (0-2)
virtual const itasca::IThing * getIThing() const =0
Returns a const IThing pointer.
virtual double getArea() const =0
Return the plane area.
static const TType type_
type used in IThing typing system
Definition iflowzonething.h:29
virtual const IFlowPlaneThing * getFlowPlane() const =0
Return the host flow plane.
virtual itasca::IThing * getIThing()=0
Returns a IThing pointer.
Base class for items that will be stored in containers.
Definition ithing.h:30
An array class that attempts to minimize unnecessary heap access.
uint32 TType
class type indicator
Definition basedef.h:46
int32 FInt
Interface to provide access to 3DEC modules, global data, list of 3DEC entities, etc.
Definition iblockdef.h:19
Fortran to C++ type declarations.
namespace Itasca
Definition basememory.cpp:14