Itasca C++ Interface
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Go to the documentation of this file.
1#pragma once
2// ISELPile.h
9#include "isel.h"
11namespace itasca {
12 class IThing;
15namespace sel {
16 class ISELBeam;
21 class ISELPile {
22 public:
24 inline static const TType type_ = 0x4c815a0d;
26 virtual const IThing * getIThing() const=0;
28 virtual IThing * getIThing()=0;
30 virtual const ISEL * getISEL() const=0;
32 virtual ISEL * getISEL()=0;
34 virtual const ISELBeam *getISELBeam() const=0;
36 virtual ISELBeam * getISELBeam()=0;
39 virtual double getPropCSnCoh()const=0;
41 virtual double getPropCSnFric()const=0;
44 virtual bool getPropCSnGap()const=0;
46 virtual double getPropCSnK()const=0;
48 virtual double getPropCSsCoh()const=0;
50 virtual double getPropCSsFric()const=0;
52 virtual double getPropCSsK()const=0;
54 virtual double getPropPer()const=0;
56 virtual bool getPropSlide()const=0;
58 virtual double getPropSlideTol()const=0;
61 virtual void setPropCSnCoh(const double &d)=0;
63 virtual void setPropCSnFric(const double &d)=0;
65 virtual void setPropCSnGap(bool b)=0;
67 virtual void setPropCSnK(const double &d)=0;
69 virtual void setPropCSsCoh(const double &d)=0;
71 virtual void setPropCSsFric(const double &d)=0;
73 virtual void setPropCSsK(const double &d)=0;
75 virtual void setPropPer(const double &d)=0;
77 virtual void setPropSlide(bool b)=0;
79 virtual void setPropSlideTol(const double &d)=0;
83 virtual bool getPropCSsConfInc() const=0;
86 virtual QString getPropCSsConfTab() const=0;
88 virtual QString getPropCSsCohTab() const=0;
90 virtual QString getPropCSsFricTab() const=0;
92 virtual bool getPropRBolt() const=0;
94 virtual double getPropTFStrain() const=0;
96 virtual double getPropYield() const=0;
99 virtual void setPropCSsConfInc(bool b) =0;
102 virtual void setPropCSsConfTab(QString s) =0;
104 virtual void setPropCSsCohTab(QString s) =0;
106 virtual void setPropCSsFricTab(QString s)=0;
108 virtual void setPropRBolt(bool b)=0;
110 virtual void setPropTFStrain(const double &d) =0;
112 virtual void setPropYield(const double &d) =0;
113 virtual ISEL::YieldState getRespYield(bool tension) const=0;
114#ifdef THREED
115 virtual ISEL::YieldState getRespMomentYield(bool bMy, uint32 end) const=0;
117 virtual ISEL::YieldState getRespMomentYield(uint32 end) const = 0;
119 // Response functions
124 virtual double getRespCpConfine2(bool bSig1, uint32 end) const=0;
130 virtual double getRespCpDisp2(bool bNorm, uint32 end) const=0;
136 virtual double getRespCpNGapVal2(uint32 end, uint32 dir) const=0;
142 virtual double getRespCpStress2(bool bNorm, uint32 end) const=0;
147 virtual DVect getRespCpStressDir2(bool bNorm, uint32 end) const=0;
152 virtual ISEL::YieldState getRespCpYield2(bool bNorm, uint32 end) const=0;
154 virtual double getPlasticTensileStrain(uint32 node) const=0;
155 virtual bool getPlasticTensileStrainFailure() const=0;
156#ifdef TWOD
158 virtual double getSpacing() const=0;
159 virtual void setSpacing(const double &d)=0;
161 };
162} // namespace sel
163// EoF
Base class for items that will be stored in containers.
Definition ithing.h:30
Interface to beam structural elements.
Definition iselbeam.h:19
Interface to the structural elements base class.
Definition isel.h:22
Yield states.
Definition isel.h:27
Interface to pile structural elements.
Definition iselpile.h:21
virtual double getPropCSsFric() const =0
Returns the shear coupling spring friction angle, see setPropCSsFric().
virtual void setPropCSsConfInc(bool b)=0
Sets shear direction incremental confining stress flag, see getPropCSsConfInc().
virtual void setPropCSsFricTab(QString s)=0
Sets the shear direction friction angle table number, see getPropCSsFricTab().
virtual ISEL * getISEL()=0
Returns a pointer to object base class, ISEL.
virtual const IThing * getIThing() const =0
Returns a const IThing pointer.
virtual void setPropCSnFric(const double &d)=0
Set the normal coupling spring friction angle, see getPropCSnFric().
virtual const ISEL * getISEL() const =0
Returns a const pointer to object base class, ISEL.
virtual QString getPropCSsConfTab() const =0
virtual double getPropCSnK() const =0
Returns the normal coupling spring stiffness, see setPropCSnK().
virtual IThing * getIThing()=0
Returns a IThing pointer.
virtual DVect getRespCpStressDir2(bool bNorm, uint32 end) const =0
virtual bool getPropCSnGap() const =0
virtual void setPropYield(const double &d)=0
Sets the axial tensile yield strength (force units) ,see getPropYield().
virtual void setPropCSnGap(bool b)=0
Sets the normal coupling spring gap-use flag, see setPropCSnGap().
virtual void setPropTFStrain(const double &d)=0
Sets the tensile failure strain (non-dimensional), see getPropTFStrain().
virtual double getPropCSsK() const =0
Returns the shear coupling spring stiffness, see setPropCSsK().
virtual void setPropPer(const double &d)=0
Sets the exposed perimeter, see getPropPer().
virtual bool getPropSlide() const =0
Returns true if large-strain sliding flag is on, else false. See setPropSlide().
virtual void setPropCSnCoh(const double &d)=0
Sets the normal coupling spring cohesive strength, see getPropCSnCoh().
virtual QString getPropCSsFricTab() const =0
Returns shear direc. friction angle table number, see setPropCSsFricTab().
virtual double getRespCpConfine2(bool bSig1, uint32 end) const =0
virtual double getPropCSnCoh() const =0
Returns the normal coupling spring cohesive strength, see setPropCSnCoh().
virtual double getPropTFStrain() const =0
Returns tensile failure strain (non-dimensional), see setPropTFStrain().
virtual QString getPropCSsCohTab() const =0
Returns shear direc. cohesive strength table number, see setPropCSsCohTab().
virtual bool getPropRBolt() const =0
Returns true if the rockbolt logic is on, see setPropRBolt().
virtual ISELBeam * getISELBeam()=0
Returns a pointer to the class that it inherits from.
virtual void setPropCSsConfTab(QString s)=0
virtual double getPropSlideTol() const =0
Returns the large-strain sliding tolerance, see setPropSlideTol().
virtual void setPropCSsCohTab(QString s)=0
Sets the shear direction cohesive strength table number, see getPropCSsCohTab().
virtual double getPropCSsCoh() const =0
Returns the shear coupling spring cohesive strength, see setPropCSsCoh().
virtual void setPropSlide(bool b)=0
Sets the large-strain sliding flag, see getPropSlide().
virtual double getPropYield() const =0
Returns axial tensile yield strength (force units), see setPropYield().
virtual double getPropPer() const =0
Returns the exposed perimeter, see setPropPer().
virtual void setPropSlideTol(const double &d)=0
Sets the large-strain sliding tolerance, see getPropSlideTol().
virtual void setPropCSsCoh(const double &d)=0
Sets the shear coupling spring cohesive strength, see getPropCSsCoh().
virtual ISEL::YieldState getRespCpYield2(bool bNorm, uint32 end) const =0
virtual void setPropRBolt(bool b)=0
Sets the rockbolt logic flag, see getPropRBolt().
virtual double getRespCpStress2(bool bNorm, uint32 end) const =0
static const TType type_
Type ID number for this class, for use in convert_cast() and convert_getcast().
Definition iselpile.h:24
virtual void setPropCSsFric(const double &d)=0
Set the shear coupling spring friction angle, see getPropCSsFric().
virtual bool getPropCSsConfInc() const =0
virtual const ISELBeam * getISELBeam() const =0
Returns a const pointer to the class that it inherits from.
virtual double getPropCSnFric() const =0
Returns the normal coupling spring friction angle, see setPropCSnFric().
virtual void setPropCSsK(const double &d)=0
Sets the shear coupling spring stiffness, see getPropCSsK().
virtual double getRespCpDisp2(bool bNorm, uint32 end) const =0
virtual double getRespCpNGapVal2(uint32 end, uint32 dir) const =0
virtual void setPropCSnK(const double &d)=0
Sets the normal coupling spring stiffness, see getPropCSnK().
uint32 TType
class type indicator
Definition basedef.h:46
DVect3 DVect
Vector of doubles, either 2D or 3D.
Definition dim.h:154
Interface to the structural elements base class.
namespace Itasca
Definition basememory.cpp:14