Itasca C++ Interface
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#pragma once
6#include "igroup.h"
7#include "base/src/farray.h"
8#include "base/src/spinlock.h"
10namespace fish {
11 class IParameter;
14namespace itasca {
15#ifndef DOXYGEN
16 class Archive2;
17 class IContainer;
18 class IGroup;
21//#define ITHINGMUTEX
30 class IThing {
31 public:
33 using LockType = std::mutex;
35 using LockType = SpinLock;
38 class Lock : public std::lock_guard<LockType> {
39 public:
40 inline Lock(const IThing *t) : std::lock_guard<LockType>(t->thingLock_) { }
41 };
43 class LockIf : public ConditionalLock<LockType> {
44 public:
45 inline LockIf(const IThing *t, bool b) : ConditionalLock<LockType>(t ? &t->thingLock_ : nullptr,b) { }
46 };
48 class BreakLock : public ReverseLock<LockType> {
49 public:
50 inline BreakLock(const IThing *t) : ReverseLock<LockType>(t->thingLock_) {}
51 };
53 struct Handle { // Used in the Handle system, so we have some opacity and flexibility in the future
54 Handle() {}
55 explicit Handle(uint64 h) : val_(h) { }
56 bool operator<(const Handle &h) const { return val_<h.val_; }
57 bool operator==(const Handle &h) const { return val_==h.val_; }
58 bool valid() const { return val_ ? true : false; }
59 uint64 val_ = 0;
60 };
63 inline static const TType type_ = 0x4c815a59;
65 inline static const uint32 maxGroupSlot_ = 128;
67 inline static const uint32 maxExtraIndex_ = 128;
69 inline IThing() { }
70 virtual ~IThing() { }
71 //inline ~IThing() { sendDeleteNotice(); }
74 virtual const IThing *getIThing() const=0;
75 virtual IThing * getIThing()=0;
81 virtual TType getType() const=0;
84 virtual IString getTypeName() const=0;
92 virtual TType getGeneralType() const=0;
99 virtual const void *convertToType(const TType &id) const=0;
100 virtual void * convertToTypeNC(const TType &id)=0;
104 template <class T> const T *convert() const { return (const T *)convertToType(T::type_); }
105 template <class T> T * convert() { return (T *)convertToType(T::type_); }
108 virtual uint64 getID() const=0;
109 virtual void setID(uint64)=0;
115 virtual uint64 getCollectionID() const=0;
119 virtual bool getIsSet() const=0;
123 virtual const IThing * getSet() const=0;
126 virtual void getAssociatedThings(const TType &type,FArray<const IThing*> *ret) const=0;
132 virtual IString getName() const=0;
136 virtual DVect3 getLocation() const=0;
140 virtual DExtent3 getExtent() const=0;
145 virtual DVect3 getClosest(const DVect3 &pos) const=0;
148 virtual DVect3 getNormal() const=0;
151 virtual DVect3 getDisplacementThing() const=0;
154 virtual DVect3 getVelocityThing() const=0;
157 virtual double getVolume() const=0;
162 virtual bool isWithinOrientation(const Orientation3 &orientation,const DVect2 &tol) const=0;
165 virtual bool isOnSurface() const=0;
169 virtual const IContainer *getContainer() const=0;
173 virtual uint64 getContainerOrder() const=0;
177 //virtual bool addGroup(IGroupID *id)=0;
178 virtual bool addGroup(const IGroupID &id) = 0;
182 virtual bool removeGroup(const IGroupID &id)=0;
189 virtual uint32 isInGroup(const FArray<IGroupID> &ids,TType type=0,bool only=false) const=0;
192 virtual const IGroup *getGroup(const ISlotID &slot) const=0;
196 virtual IString getGroupName(const ISlotID &slot=ISlotID()) const=0;
198 virtual uint32 getGroupList(FArray<IGroupID> *list) const=0;
200 virtual void copyGroups(const IThing *t)=0;
201 virtual void clearGroup()=0;
204 virtual std::vector<uint32> getExtraIndices() const=0;
207 virtual const fish::IParameter *getExtra(uint32 index) const=0;
208 virtual void setExtra(uint32 index,const fish::IParameter &p)=0;
209 virtual void clearExtra()=0;
212 virtual bool getHidden() const=0;
214 virtual bool setHidden(bool b)=0;
217 virtual bool getSelected() const=0;
219 virtual bool setSelected(bool b)=0;
222 virtual void save(Archive2 &) const=0;
223 virtual bool restore(Archive2 &,uint64)=0;
224 virtual void remap(Archive2 &)=0;
225 virtual Handle getRemapHandle(bool allowCreate,uint32 thread) const=0;
226 //virtual void clearRemapHandle()=0;
230 virtual void destroy()=0;
232 private:
233 mutable LockType thingLock_; // Generic spin lock for access to this IThing
234 };
237 template <class Dest> inline const Dest *convert_cast(const IThing *src) { return src ? src->convert<Dest>() : 0; }
239 template <class Dest> inline Dest * convert_cast(IThing *src) { return src ? src->convert<Dest>() : 0; }
242 template <class Dest, class Src> inline const Dest* convert_getcast(const Src* src) { return src ? src->getIThing()->template convert<Dest>() : 0; }
244 template <class Dest, class Src> inline Dest* convert_getcast(Src* src) { return src ? src->getIThing()->template convert<Dest>() : 0; }
246 inline int64 pointCompare(const IThing *p1,const IThing *p2) {
247 int64 i1 = p1 ? p1->getType() : 0;
248 int64 i2 = p2 ? p2->getType() : 0;
249 if (i1 == i2) {
250 i1 = p1 ? p1->getID() : 0;
251 i2 = p2 ? p2->getID() : 0;
252 }
253 return i1 - i2;
254 }
255} // namespace itasca
256namespace std {
257 template <>
258 struct hash<itasca::IThing::Handle> {
259 std::size_t operator()(const itasca::IThing::Handle &h) const { return hash<uint64>()(h.val_); }
260 };
261} // namespace std
262namespace utility {
263 using itasca::IThing;
268// EoF
Definition spinlock.h:66
An array class that attempts to minimize unnecessary heap access.
Definition farray.h:25
Definition istring.h:14
Class for storing an "orientation", or a direction in 2D or 3D space.
Definition orientation.h:99
Definition spinlock.h:56
Definition spinlock.h:27
Definition iparameter.h:13
Interface for containers of IThings.
Definition icontainer.h:21
Interface to a group object.
Definition igroup.h:9
Definition igroup.h:82
Definition igroup.h:41
Definition ithing.h:48
Definition ithing.h:38
Definition ithing.h:43
Base class for items that will be stored in containers.
Definition ithing.h:30
virtual DVect3 getLocation() const =0
virtual bool getIsSet() const =0
virtual DVect3 getClosest(const DVect3 &pos) const =0
virtual DVect3 getVelocityThing() const =0
Returns the instantaneous velocity for things supporting velocity.
virtual void setExtra(uint32 index, const fish::IParameter &p)=0
virtual bool setSelected(bool b)=0
Sets the selected flag at index.
virtual DVect3 getDisplacementThing() const =0
Returns the accumulated displacement for things supporting displacement.
virtual void getAssociatedThings(const TType &type, FArray< const IThing * > *ret) const =0
Returns a list of things associated with this thing with TType type.
virtual bool addGroup(const IGroupID &id)=0
static const TType type_
The base type of an IThing.
Definition ithing.h:63
virtual DVect3 getNormal() const =0
Returns a normal vector representing the orientation of the object, if this is appropriate....
virtual IString getTypeName() const =0
Returns a description of the type of the class.
virtual bool isOnSurface() const =0
Returns TRUE if this is a "Surface".
virtual void destroy()=0
virtual void resetAssociatedThings(FArray< const IThing * > *ret)=0
Resets any data used with the associated things.
virtual bool getHidden() const =0
Returns the Hide flag at index.
virtual uint32 isInGroup(const FArray< IGroupID > &ids, TType type=0, bool only=false) const =0
virtual IString getName() const =0
Returns a name string - the exact meaning of which is defined by the container and the implementing c...
static const uint32 maxExtraIndex_
Maximum number of extra FISH variables per object.
Definition ithing.h:67
virtual IThing * getIThing()=0
Return the IThing interface.
virtual DExtent3 getExtent() const =0
virtual TType getGeneralType() const =0
virtual const IThing * getIThing() const =0
Return the IThing interface.
virtual std::vector< uint32 > getExtraIndices() const =0
Returns the number of extra FISH extra variables for this object.
virtual bool isWithinOrientation(const Orientation3 &orientation, const DVect2 &tol) const =0
virtual uint64 getID() const =0
Returns a value - the exact meaning of which is defined by the container and the implementing class.
T * convert()
Definition ithing.h:105
const T * convert() const
Definition ithing.h:104
virtual IContainer * getContainer()=0
virtual const IGroup * getGroup(const ISlotID &slot) const =0
virtual void * convertToTypeNC(const TType &id)=0
virtual bool getSelected() const =0
Returns the selected flag at index.
virtual double getVolume() const =0
Returns the volume if this is appropraite. 0 is returned otherwise.
virtual const IContainer * getContainer() const =0
virtual bool removeGroup(const IGroupID &id)=0
virtual TType getType() const =0
static const uint32 maxGroupSlot_
Maximum number of group slots per object.
Definition ithing.h:65
virtual const fish::IParameter * getExtra(uint32 index) const =0
virtual const IThing * getSet() const =0
virtual uint32 getGroupList(FArray< IGroupID > *list) const =0
Return all groups and all slots assigned to the object in a list.
virtual const void * convertToType(const TType &id) const =0
virtual void save(Archive2 &) const =0
Archives the Thing to a file (if appropriate).
virtual uint64 getCollectionID() const =0
virtual bool setHidden(bool b)=0
Sets the hidden flag at index.
virtual void copyGroups(const IThing *t)=0
Copies group data from one IThing to this, all original group data is lost.
virtual IString getGroupName(const ISlotID &slot=ISlotID()) const =0
An array class that attempts to minimize unnecessary heap access.
uint32 TType
class type indicator
Definition basedef.h:46
namespace Itasca
Definition basememory.cpp:14
const Dest * convert_cast(const IThing *src)
A cast operator (use similar to dynamic_cast) for types derived from IThing (const).
Definition ithing.h:237
const Dest * convert_getcast(const Src *src)
A cast operator for Interface types that define getThing() (const).
Definition ithing.h:242
namespace itasca
Definition igenerictet.h:11
Definition ithing.h:53