Mapping FISH from Old to New FLAC2D Syntax
This document lists FISH function names from FLAC 8.1 (and earlier) and provides links to their FLAC2D 9 (and later) counterparts. They are organized into FLAC2D-specific functions and general FISH functions, and subdivided from there into groups according to the kind of operations they perform. Tip: using page search for the browser (Ctrl+F) can help locate a function quickly; the list below is extensive.
See the Notes section at the end of the page for various details of usage.
FLAC-Intrinsic Functions |
FISH Intrinsic Functions |
There will not necessarily be a direct mapping of old to new function arguments nor of return types. FLAC2D 9.0 takes advantage on occasion of the new types available in FISH (tensors, matrices, etc.) to streamline FISH intrinsics.
FLAC 8.1 |
FLAC2D 9.0 |
app_pnt |
No direct equivalent. See “ |
appgw_pnt |
No direct equivalent. See “ |
appth_pnt |
No direct equivalent. See “ |
att_pnt |
No direct equivalent. Use “ |
cf_axi |
No equivalent. |
cf_creep |
No equivalent. |
cf_dyn |
No equivalent. |
cf_ext |
No equivalent. |
cf_gw |
No equivalent. |
cf_ps |
No equivalent. |
cf_therm |
No equivalent. |
cm_max |
No equivalent. |
crtdel |
crtime |
cycle |
dydt_gpi |
?? |
dydt_gpj |
?? |
dytdel |
dytime |
error |
fos |
fos_f |
No equivalent. |
gwtdel |
gwtime |
ieb_pnt |
No equivalent. |
ierr |
No equivalent. |
igp |
No direct equivalent. Use “ |
int_pnt |
izones |
No direct equivalent. Use “ |
i_list |
jerr |
No equivalent. |
jgp |
No direct equivalent. Use “ |
jzones |
No direct equivalent. Use “ |
large |
mode |
?? |
nerr |
No equivalent. Use “ |
nerr_fish |
No equivalent. Use “ |
s_3dd |
No equivalent. |
s_dyn |
No equivalent. Use “ |
s_echo |
No equivalent. Use “ |
s_flow |
No equivalent. Use “ |
s_imp |
No equivalent. Use “ |
s_log |
No equivalent. Use “ |
s_mech |
No equivalent. Use “ |
s_mess |
No direct equivalent. See “ |
s_movie |
No equivalent. Use “ |
s_flow |
No equivalent. Use “ |
sm_max |
No equivalent. |
sratio |
step |
str_pnt |
tab_pnt |
No direct equivalent. See “ |
ten_flg |
No equivalent. |
thtdel |
thtime |
trac_pnt |
No equivalent. |
udm_pnt |
?? |
unbal |
unbflow |
v_ngw |
No equivalent. Use “ |
v_nmech |
No equivalent. Use “ |
v_ntherm |
No equivalent. Use “ |
wbiot |
No equivalent. Use “ |
wbulk |
xdens |
xgrav |
ygrav |
FLAC 8.1 |
FLAC2D 9.0 |
area |
density |
dy_state |
e_plastic |
et_plastic |
ev_plastic |
ev_tot |
ex_n |
fsi |
fsr |
flags |
No equivalent |
inimodel |
No equivalent |
k11 |
k12 |
k22 |
model |
poro2 |
No equivalent. Two-phase flow not supported. |
pp |
ssi |
No equivalent |
ssr |
No equivalent |
ssi3d |
ssr3d |
sxx |
sxy |
syy |
szz |
udcoe |
No equivalent. Two-phase flow not supported. |
visrat |
No equivalent. Two-phase flow not supported. |
vsi |
vsr |
vol_strain |
vsxx |
No equivalent |
vsxy |
No equivalent |
vsyy |
No equivalent |
vszz |
No equivalent |
wk11 |
No equivalent. Two-phase flow not supported. |
wk12 |
No equivalent. Two-phase flow not supported. |
wk22 |
No equivalent. Two-phase flow not supported. |
xcen |
xflow |
xnwflow |
No equivalent. Two-phase flow not supported. |
ycen |
yflow |
ynwflow |
No equivalent. Two-phase flow not supported. |
z_group |
z_hyst |
z_model |
z_prop |
zmsmul |
FLAC 8.1 |
FLAC2D 9.0 |
damp |
No equivalent. |
disp |
ex_n |
f2mod |
No equivalent. Two-phase flow not supported. |
flags |
No equivalent. |
fmod |
ftens |
g2flow |
No equivalent. Two-phase flow not supported |
gflow |
gmsmul |
gpp |
nwgp |
No equivalent. Two-phase flow not supported |
rsat |
No equivalent. Two-phase flow not supported |
sat |
temp |
tflow |
vga |
No equivalent (yet). |
vgp0 |
No equivalent (yet). |
vgpcnw |
No equivalent (yet). |
vgpcw |
No equivalent (yet). |
x |
xacc |
xbody |
No equivalent. See “ |
xdisp |
xforce |
xvel |
y |
yacc |
ybody |
No equivalent. See “ |
ydisp |
yforce |
yvel |
Use |
See |
FISH Intrinsic Functions
FLAC 8.1 |
FLAC2D 9.0 |
abs |
acos |
and |
asin |
atan |
atan2 |
clock |
cos |
degrad |
do_update |
No equivalent |
error |
exp |
fc_arg |
Not supported. Pass arguments directly to functions. |
float |
grand |
in |
int |
ln |
log |
mat_inverse |
mat_transpose |
max |
min |
not |
or |
out |
pi |
rez_exe |
No equivalent |
sgn |
sin |
sqrt |
string |
tan |
type |
urand |
FLAC 8.1 |
FLAC2D 9.0 |
table |
table_size |
xtable |
ytable |
FLAC 8.1 |
FLAC2D 9.0 |
fmem |
Data is not stored in arrays in FLAC2D, but it is possible to create your own memory arrays. See for example |
imem |
Data is not stored in arrays in FLAC2D, but it is possible to create your own memory arrays. See for example |
FLAC 8.1 |
FLAC2D 9.0 |
close |
cparse |
No equivalent |
fstring |
open |
out |
parse |
pre_parse |
read |
string |
write |
FLAC 8.1 |
FLAC2D 9.0 |
sclose |
sopen |
sread |
swrite |
There is no direct access of variables through memory function (e.g. fmem) in FLAC2D.
All data is available through FISH intrinsice, so this direct access is no longer necessary.
For example, to access the id of a structural element, use
rather than “imem(sel+$kelid)”.
Was this helpful? ... | Itasca Software © 2024, Itasca | Updated: Dec 19, 2024 |