zone face select
- zone face select <keyword ...> <range>
Primary keywords:
group id internal new only-grouped skin undo use-hidden-zones
- The following nomenclature / equivalence between FLAC3D and FLAC2D is used:
Zone faces = zone surface faces in 3D or zone edges (lines connecting gridpoints) in 2D
There is no 2D equivalence for 3D zone edges
Select or deselect zone faces in the range.
This command selects or de-selects zone faces in the range, depending on the keyword options below. Selected objects may be identified in a range by using the selected keyword in the
specification.Note that by default only surface faces are selected. To select all faces use the internal keyword described below.
- b
If present, sets whether zone faces will be select (on) or deselected (off). The default value if not specified is on.
- group s keyword
Specifiy that only zone faces that are in the specified groups will be affected. Use of the group logic is described in Groups. This keyword is incompatible with the keywords id and skin. Note that by default, zones connected to faces will also be checked for a match. So a face will be considered to match group Fred either if it has been assigned to group Fred directly, or if either of the possible zones it is connected to has been assigned that group. A range phrase cannot be given if this keyword is used. The following additional keywords are available to determine the group designation will be used:
- and s
Indicate that the zone faces selected need to be both in the original group and group s in order to be modified. This is incompatible with the or keyword and the slot keyword. Any number of groups can be combined via multiple and keywords.
- or s
Specify that the zone faces selected can be in the original group or group s, and both will be modified. This is incompatible with the and keyword. Any number of groups can be combined via multiple or keywords.
- only
Specify that the list of on or more groups specified must define all the groups assigned to the zone face. If there are any additional groups, they will not be modified.
- by s
Specify whether the group check will be made by face or by zone. If specified then only group assignments for that object specifically will be considered. By default a face will be chosen either if it has that group assignment directly, or if a zone it is connected to has that group assignment.
- matches i
Objects that by default participate in a hierarchy may match a given group more than once. For example, zone face may match a group if they have been assigned that group directly, or are connected to a zone that has that group assignment. So for a given group, a zone face might find a match from 0 to 2 times. The match keyword allows you to specify how many matches are required for each group provided. The default value is 1.
- slot s
By default, a group will match if the face has that group assigned in any slot. The slot keyword allows you to specify which slot to look in specifically, ignoring all the others.
- id iz side is
Specifies that a single zone face will be affected. This face is identified by the zone ID number iz and the side number is. This keyword is incompatible with the keywords group and skin. A range phrase cannot be given if this keyword is used.
- internal
Include internal faces when selecting zone faces in the specified range. If this keyword is not supplied, by default the command will only select external zone faces in the specified range.
- new
De-selects all existing selected zone faces and then selects new zone faces. By default the command will only select external zone faces in the specified range. This keyword is incompatible with the keyword off.
- only-grouped s <slot s >
Specifies that only the set of faces that have had group names assigned should be considered. Other filter options are allowed. If an option slot is specified, then only the set of faces with group assignments in that particular slot will be considered.
- skin keyword
Specifies that a set of contiguous faces are to be chosen, starting at the point where a ray from a given point in a given direction intersects a surface face. The following keywords are available to define the faces selected:
- start v
Defines the starting point of the ray used. By default this value is (0,0,0) in FLAC3D and (0,0) in FLAC2D.
- direction v
Defines the direction taken from the starting point. By default this value is (0,0,1) in FLAC3D and (0,1) in FLAC2D.
- break-angle f
Defines the angle between faces necessary to break continuity. By default this angle is 45 degrees. This means that if the faces connect at an angle greater than 45 degrees, they are not considered to be part of the same contiguous group.
- undo
Undo the last
zone face select
command. The undo keyword will reverse the operation of the last select command, up to 12 times (the program keeps a maximum stack 12zone face select
commands). This keyword is incompatible with any other keyword (including a following range phrase), and must be given alone.
Include faces on zones that are within the specified range but also hidden. If this keyword is not supplied, faces on zones that are hidden will not be included in the operation of the command, even if they otherwise exist within the range specified.
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