zone gridpoint import
- zone gridpoint import pore-pressure sfile <keyword ...> <range>
Primary keywords:
Imports grid point data.
In 3D, two data formats are supported to import pore pressure values to gridpoints. Files ending in .mdp are read as MineDW files, and files ending in .csv are imported as unstructured points defining a pore pressure. The comma separated columns of the unstructured file format are: x, y, z, pressure. Only grid points in the range specified are assigned pore pressures. When importing pore pressure from MineDW files, grid points that fall outside of all MineDW zones are skipped.
In 2D, only csv files are supported. The comma separated columns of the unstructured file format in 2D are: x, y, pressure.
The following keywords are available to modify how the pore pressures are assigned.
- cutoff f
Pore pressure values are not allowed to fall below this cutoff value. The default cutoff value is 0.0. The cutoff is applied before the scaling of pressure, if scale-pressure is given.
- geometry (3D ONLY)
If this keyword is given, then geometric data representing the pore pressure is created. MineDW nodes and zones will be created in a geometric set named MineDW. Nodes and edges are created only. Unstructured imported points are added as nodes only to a geometry set called PorePressure. The first extra variable of the node will be assigned the pore pressure value.
- translate v
If this keyword is used, the node locations in the file will be translate by the specified vector on import. The default value is (0,0,0). The translate is applied before the scale operation if scale-pressure is given.
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