zone gridpoint merge command


zone gridpoint merge <keyword> <range>

Primary keywords:

all    by-face    tolerance-relative    tolerance-absolute

Attempts to merge all gridpoints in the range. A gridpoint will be merged if another gridpoint falls within a distance given by the tolerances specified.

Note if two candidate gridpoints are found to be across an interface, zone joint, or attached boundary the merge will not occur.

The following optional keywords are available to manually specify the tolerances used.


By default the merge will attempt to skip gridpoints across attach, interface, or zone joint boundaries. If this keyword is used then those boundaries will be included. Attach, interface, and zone joints may be removed if their zone faces are no longer surfaces.


By default gridpoints will be merged as long as they are detected and are within a given distance of each other. Using the by-face keyword will require that they belong to adjacent faces with some significant overlapping area. This allows better conformance to the intent of skipping attach/interface/zone joint surfaces at a location where there is intersecting surfaces.

tolerance-relative f

Specifies a relative tolerance value. This is converted to an absolute tolerance by multiplying it to the minimum edge length of all zones connected to the gridpoint. The default value is 0.01. If both an absolute and a relative tolerance are specified, the value used on any given gridpoint is the maximum of the two.

tolerance-absolute f

Specifies an absolute tolerance value. The default value is 0. If both an absolute and a relative tolerance are specified, the value used on any given gridpoint is the maximum of the two.