Ribbon Blender

Problem Statement


The project file for this example may be viewed/run in PFC.[1] The data files used are shown at the end of this example.

Ribbon blenders are frequently used in manufacturing and industrial applications. The mixer has a central shaft with mixing blades angled in different ways. These look like ribbons of metal wrapped around the shaft. The geometry is able to move parts of the mixture in different directions at the same time, ensuring that all ingredients are blended.

The discrete element method is well-suited for this kind of application. A ribbon blender is modeled using PFC3D, and simulations are performed using three kinds of particles: balls, clumps, and clusters of balls (the latter allows simulation of particle breaking during mixing).

Balls Simulation

The geometry import command is used to import the geometry of the container, the shaft and the mixing blades. This command allows the direct use of CAD files (.dxf and .stl formats are supported) to include complex-shaped elements in the model that will interact with the particles. The file “importBlenderGeometry.dat” shows the use of the command.

Faceted walls are generated for each imported geometry, using the wall import from-geometry command. The blender structure issued from these operations is shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1: Modeling a ribbon blender.

An assembly of balls is then generated (see the ball distribute command) within the boundaries defined by the wall positions. Due to the complex geometry of the blender structure, particles are primarily generated within a box that exceeds the model boundaries in some zone. Then the position of each ball is revisited and the particle itself deleted whenever it is found to occupy a zone outside the model limits. This is done with the functions inBlender and inBody, which control whether each particle stays outside the model boundaries or whether it intersects the blender blades. The FISH function wall.inside and the range FISH commands are used to accomplish these operations. The former checks whether a particle falls within a wall or not; the latter allows automated detection of the particles to be deleted, according to the criteria specified in the functions inBlender and inBody.

Finally, particles are allowed to settle inside the blender and the simulation is ready to start. A rotational velocity is defined for the walls and four sets of balls are grouped according to their initial positions in order to evaluate the mixing efficiency and effects during the simulation (see Figure 2).


Figure 2: Modeling a ribbon blender to mix spherical particles.

All of the commands are listed in the file “BlenderBalls.dat”.

The mixing efficiency can be evaluated from a qualitative point of view. After a number of revolutions of the blades, we observe the result of mixing the four initial groups. A screenshot of the simulation after a few revolutions of the blades is shown in Figure 3.


Figure 3: Side view of the blender after a few steps.

Clumps Simulation

Similar simulations can be done with non-spherical particles, using the clump logic. In particular, in this example, the geometry import command will be used to create a clump template. Thus, the “ellipsoid.stl” file is imported and used to define the clump template geometry, as it is shown in “BlenderClumps.dat”.

The geometry of the blender is imported using the same procedure that was used for the simulation with the spherical particles (see previous section). A clump template is created, and an assembly of clumps is generated within the model boundaries. Clumps are made of pebbles that are rigidly connected, giving the final shape to the particle. Once the cloud of clumps has been created, the inBlender and inBody functions control whether any pebble stays outside of the model boundaries or whether they intersect the blender blades. In such a case, the entire clump is deleted (the range FISH command is used again). Finally, clumps settle inside the blender and the simulation is ready to start.


Figure 4: Modeling a ribbon blender to mix elliptic-shaped particles.

A screenshot of the simulation after a few revolutions of the blades is shown in Figure 5.


Figure 5: Side view of the blender after few steps.

Clusters Simulation

In order to simulate granulation, the clumps are replaced by clusters of balls. The pebbles are bonded together with parallel bonds. Such parallel bonds are characterized by user-defined tensile strength and cohesion, allowing for breakage during the simulation.


Figure 6: Cluster of balls.

Clumps are generated and allowed to settle, as shown in the previous section. Subsequently, the clumps are replaced by clusters of balls. Each operation is listed in “ClusterMakeCluster.dat”. The function replace goes through all of the existing clumps in the model and calls the function make_cluster, which contains the operations needed to substitute each pebble for a ball. Lists of balls comprising each cluster are created. These lists are then ordered to ensure that two consecutive balls in the list are neighbors in the cluster (see the order_clusters function). This allows one to easily install parallel bonds between neighboring balls, avoiding any accidental bonding of balls that overlap even if they are not neighbors, as shown in Figure 6.

The function apply_bonds is invoked to install the parallel bonds whenever two balls are found to be part of the same cluster and are neighbors. Normal and shear stiffness of the bond, together with tensile and shear strength force, are defined. A linear model with friction is set at contacts between clusters. If a bond breaks during the simulation, the contact model between formerly bonded balls is switched to the linear type. A linearly increasing stiffness (see the lin_inc keyword of the linear model, in the “Linear Model Properties” section) is defined to avoid the sudden repulsive forces that could occur after breakage. A callback event bond_change is called whenever a bond breaks (see the “Linear Parallel Bond Model” section); the function restore_friction is called at the same moment, and the contact model is updated.

All of the operations for this new simulation are listed in “BlenderClusters.dat”.

Periodically during the simulation, the size_distribution function is called to compute the size distribution curve. This allows tracking the evolution of the system and breaking clusters into smaller particles. The size_distribution function is listed in “ClusterSizeDistribution.dat”.

It is useful to look at the evolution of the grain size distribution. The evolution of the grain size distribution curve is shown in Figure 7. Note that the diameters plotted are the equivalent radius of the sphere that has the same volume as the total volume of the cluster.


Figure 7: Cluster simulation. Evolution of the grain size distribution curve.

A screenshot of the simulation after a few revolutions of the blades is shown in Figure 8. Particles are colored by their velocity. The strongest collisions and the breaking of particles seem to occur predominantly in the central zone of the blender.


Figure 8: Cluster simulation, side view of the blender. Particles velocity.

It would be interesting to build a movie of such a simulation. A series of images can be generated easily using the ball results or clump results command. See the “Hopper Discharge” tutorial problem to see an example of its use.

Data Files


; fname: BlenderBalls.dat

model new
model large-strain on
wall resolution full

program call 'ImportBlenderGeometry'

model domain extent [lbx-0.05*dx] [ubx+0.05*dx] [lby-0.05*dy] ...
                    [uby+0.05*dy] [lbz-0.05*dz] [ubz+dz] condition destroy

contact cmat default model linear property dp_nratio 0.8 dp_mode 1

wall import from-geometry 'rotor1' clean id 1
wall import from-geometry 'rotor2' clean id 2
wall import from-geometry 'rotor3' clean id 3
wall import from-geometry 'rotor4' clean id 4
wall import from-geometry 'rotor5' clean id 5
wall import from-geometry 'rotor6' clean id 6
wall import from-geometry 'rotor7' clean id 7
wall import from-geometry 'rotor8' clean id 8

wall import from-geometry 'blade1' clean id 9
wall import from-geometry 'blade2' clean id 10
wall import from-geometry 'blade3' clean id 11
wall import from-geometry 'blade4' clean id 12
wall import from-geometry 'blade5' clean id 13
wall import from-geometry 'blade6' clean id 14
wall import from-geometry 'blade7' clean id 15
wall import from-geometry 'blade8' clean id 16
wall group 'facetassembly' facet
wall group 'wallassembly'

wall import from-geometry 'bin' clean id 17
wall activeside top range position-z [ubz-0.05*ubz] [ubz+0.05*ubz]
*wall activeside top range name 'facetassembly'

model save 'blender'

fish define setup(rpm)
  global rp_   = vector(0,0,0) ;rotation point
  global spin_ = vector(0,-1,0)*2*math.pi*rpm/60.0 ;axis of rotation
  global knB_  = 1e4
  global ksB_  = 1e4
  global knW_  = 1e6
  global ksW_  = 1e6
  global fric_ = 0.18 ;friction
  global dens_ = 2000 ;density

;generate some balls in the box
fish define inBlender(pos,b)
  inBlender = 0
  if type.pointer.id(b) = ball.typeid
    wp = wall.find(17);
    inBlender = wall.inside(wp,ball.pos(b))

fish define inBody(pos,b)
  inBody = 0
  if type.pointer.id(b) = ball.typeid
    local tmp = 0
    loop foreach local wp wall.list
      if wall.id(wp) # 17
        tmp = wall.inside(wp,ball.pos(b))
        if tmp = 1
          inBody = 1

ball distribute porosity 0.45     ...
                resolution 1.5e-2 ...
                bin 1             ...
                radius 1.0 1.5  ...
                volume-fraction 1.0  ...
                box [lbx] [ubx] [lby] [uby] [lbz] [lbz+0.3*dz] ...
                range fish inBlender ...
                      fish inBody not

model gravity 0,0,-9.81
ball property 'kn' [knB_] 'ks' [ksB_] 'fric' [fric_]
wall property 'kn' [knW_] 'ks' [ksW_] 'fric' [fric_*0.5]
ball attribute density [dens_] damp 0.7
model cycle 2000 calm 500
model mechanical timestep scale
model solve ratio-average 1e-3
model mechanical timestep automatic

wall attribute rotation-center [rp_] range group 'wallassembly'
wall attribute spin [spin_] range group 'wallassembly'

;set up groups for mixing
ball group 'FrontLeft'  range position-x [lbx-0.05*dx]     0.0       ...
                              position-y [lby-0.05*dy]     0.5
ball group 'FrontRight' range position-x     0.0       [ubx+0.05*dx] ...
                              position-y [lby-0.05*dy]     0.5
ball group 'BackLeft'   range position-x [lbx-0.05*dx]     0.0       ...
                              position-y     0.5       [uby+0.05*dy]
ball group 'BackRight'  range position-x     0.0       [ubx+0.05*dx] ...
                              position-y     0.5       [uby+0.05*dy]

model save 'ball_model'

model solve time 1.0

model save 'end_blenderball'

; eof: BlenderBalls.dat


; fname: ImportBlenderGeometry.dat

geometry import 'rotor1.stl'
geometry import 'rotor2.stl'
geometry import 'rotor3.stl'
geometry import 'rotor4.stl'
geometry import 'rotor5.stl'
geometry import 'rotor6.stl'
geometry import 'rotor7.stl'
geometry import 'rotor8.stl'

geometry import 'blade1.stl'
geometry import 'blade2.stl'
geometry import 'blade3.stl'
geometry import 'blade4.stl'
geometry import 'blade5.stl'
geometry import 'blade6.stl'
geometry import 'blade7.stl'
geometry import 'blade8.stl'

geometry import 'bin.stl'

;calculate the dimensions of the box needed
fish define cdim
  lbx = 1e5
  lby = 1e5
  lbz = 1e5
  ubx = -1e5
  uby = -1e5
  ubz = -1e5
  local gs = geom.set.find(17)
  loop foreach local gn geom.node.list(gs)
    local pos = geom.node.pos(gn)
    if lbx > comp.x(pos)
      lbx = comp.x(pos)
    if lby > comp.y(pos)
      lby = comp.y(pos)
    if lbz > comp.z(pos)
      lbz = comp.z(pos)

    if ubx < comp.x(pos)
      ubx = comp.x(pos)
    if uby < comp.y(pos)
      uby = comp.y(pos)
    if ubz < comp.z(pos)
      ubz = comp.z(pos)

    dx = ubx - lbx
    dy = uby - lby
    dz = ubz - lbz

; eof: ImportBlenderGeometry.dat


 ; fname: BlenderClumps.dat

model new
model large-strain on
wall resolution full

program call 'ImportBlenderGeometry'

model domain extent [lbx-0.05*dx] [ubx+0.05*dx] [lby-0.05*dy] ...
                    [uby+0.05*dy] [lbz-0.05*dz] [ubz+dz] condition destroy 

wall import from-geometry 'rotor1' clean id 1
wall import from-geometry 'rotor2' clean id 2
wall import from-geometry 'rotor3' clean id 3
wall import from-geometry 'rotor4' clean id 4
wall import from-geometry 'rotor5' clean id 5
wall import from-geometry 'rotor6' clean id 6
wall import from-geometry 'rotor7' clean id 7
wall import from-geometry 'rotor8' clean id 8

wall import from-geometry 'blade1' clean id 9
wall import from-geometry 'blade2' clean id 10
wall import from-geometry 'blade3' clean id 11
wall import from-geometry 'blade4' clean id 12
wall import from-geometry 'blade5' clean id 13
wall import from-geometry 'blade6' clean id 14
wall import from-geometry 'blade7' clean id 15
wall import from-geometry 'blade8' clean id 16
wall group 'facetassembly' facet 
wall group 'wallassembly'

wall import from-geometry 'bin' clean id 17
wall activeside top range position-z [ubz-0.05*ubz] [ubz+0.05*ubz]
*wall activeside top range name 'facetassembly'

model save 'blender'

fish define setup(rpm)
  rp_ = vector(0,0,0)
  spin_ = vector(0,-1,0)*2*math.pi*rpm/60.0
  knB_ = 1e4 
  ksB_ = 1e4 
  knW_ = 1e8
  ksW_ = 1e8
  fric_ = 0.18
  dens_ = 2000

geometry import 'ellipsoid.stl'

clump template create name 'pill' geometry 'ellipsoid' ...
                      calculate-surface bubblepack ratio 0.5 distance 150

contact cmat default type Pebble-Pebble ...
                     model Linear property kn 10e4 inheritance off ...  
                     ks 10e4 inheritance off fric 0.18
contact cmat default type Pebble-Facet ...
                     model Linear property kn 10e5 inheritance off ...
                     ks 10e5 inheritance off fric 0.09

clump distribute porosity 0.45            ...
                 resolution 5e-2          ...
                 number-bins    1         ...
                 diameter                 ...
                 bin 1 size 1.0 1.20      ...
                    volume-fraction    1  ...
                    template 'pill'       ...
                        azimuth 90 90          ...
                        elevation 0 0            ...
                        tilt 0 0          ...
                 box [lbx] [ubx] [lby] [uby] [lbz] [lbz+0.3*dz]
fish define inBlender(pos,c)
  inBlender = 1
  if type.pointer.id(c) = clump.typeid
    loop foreach local pb clump.pebblelist(c)
      local tmp = 0
      wp = wall.find(17);
      tmp = wall.inside(wp,clump.pebble.pos(pb))
      if tmp = 0
        inBlender = 0
clump delete range fish inBlender not

fish define inBody(pos,c)
  inBody = 0
  if type.pointer.id(c) = clump.typeid
    loop foreach local pb clump.pebblelist(c)
      local tmp = 0
      loop foreach local wp wall.list
        if wall.id(wp) # 17
          tmp = wall.inside(wp,clump.pebble.pos(pb))
          if tmp = 1
            inBody = 1
clump delete range fish inBody

model gravity 0,0,-9.81
clump attribute density [dens_] damp 0.7

model cycle 2000 calm 500
model mechanical timestep scale
model solve ratio-average 1e-1
model mechanical timestep automatic
clump attribute damp 0.0

wall attribute rotation-center [rp_] range group 'wallassembly'
wall attribute spin [spin_] range group 'wallassembly'

;set up groups for mixing
clump group 'FrontLeft'  range ...
      position-x [lbx-0.05*dx] 0.0 position-y [lby-0.05*dy] 0.5
clump group 'FrontRight' range ...
      position-x 0.0 [ubx+0.05*dx] position-y [lby-0.05*dy] 0.5
clump group 'BackLeft'   range ...
      position-x [lbx-0.05*dx] 0.0 position-y 0.5  [uby+0.05*dy]
clump group 'BackRight'  range ...
      position-x 0.0 [ubx+0.05*dx] position-y 0.5 [uby+0.05*dy]

model save 'clump_model'

model solve time 0.5

model save 'end_blenderclump'

; eof: BlenderClumps.dat


; fname: BlenderClusters.dat

model new
model large-strain on
wall resolution full

program call 'ClusterMakeCluster'
program call 'ClusterSizeDistribution'
program call 'ImportBlenderGeometry'

geometry import 'ellipsoid.stl'

model domain extent [lbx-0.05*dx] [ubx+0.05*dx] [lby-0.05*dy] ...
                    [uby+0.05*dy] [lbz-0.05*dz] [ubz+dz] condition destroy 

wall import from-geometry 'rotor1' clean id 1
wall import from-geometry 'rotor2' clean id 2
wall import from-geometry 'rotor3' clean id 3
wall import from-geometry 'rotor4' clean id 4
wall import from-geometry 'rotor5' clean id 5
wall import from-geometry 'rotor6' clean id 6
wall import from-geometry 'rotor7' clean id 7
wall import from-geometry 'rotor8' clean id 8

wall import from-geometry 'blade1' clean id 9
wall import from-geometry 'blade2' clean id 10
wall import from-geometry 'blade3' clean id 11
wall import from-geometry 'blade4' clean id 12
wall import from-geometry 'blade5' clean id 13
wall import from-geometry 'blade6' clean id 14
wall import from-geometry 'blade7' clean id 15
wall import from-geometry 'blade8' clean id 16
wall group 'facetassembly' facet
wall group 'wallassembly'

wall import from-geometry 'bin' clean id 17
wall activeside top range position-z [ubz-0.05*ubz] [ubz+0.05*ubz]
wall activeside top range name 'facetassembly'

fish define setup(rpm)
  rp_ = vector(0,0,0)
  spin_ = vector(0,-1,0)*2*math.pi*rpm/60.0
  knB_ = 1e4 
  ksB_ = 1e4 
  knW_ = 1e8
  ksW_ = 1e8
  fric_ = 0.18
  dens_ = 2000

clump template create name 'pill' ...
                      geometry 'ellipsoid' ...
                      calculate-surface bubblepack ...
                      ratio 0.5 ...
                      distance 150

contact cmat default type pebble-pebble ...
                     model linear property kn 10e4 inheritance off ...  
                     ks 10e4 inheritance off fric 0.18
contact cmat default type pebble-facet ...
                     model linear property kn 10e5 inheritance off ...
                     ks 10e5 inheritance off fric 0.09

clump distribute porosity 0.45           ...
                 number-bins    1        ...
                 diameter                ...
                 resolution 1.0          ...
                 bin 1 size 0.05 0.075   ...
                     volume-fraction 1   ...
                     template 'pill'     ...
                     azimuth 90 90            ...
                     elevation 0 0              ...
                     tilt 0 0            ...  
                 box [lbx] [ubx] [lby] [uby] [lbz] [lbz+0.3*dz]

fish define inBlender(pos,c)
  inBlender = 1
  if type.pointer.id(c) = clump.typeid
    loop foreach local pb clump.pebblelist(c)
      local tmp = 0
      wp = wall.find(17)
      tmp = wall.inside(wp,clump.pebble.pos(pb))
      if tmp = 0
        inBlender = 0
clump delete range fish inBlender not

fish define inBody(pos,c)
  inBody = 0
  if type.pointer.id(c) = clump.typeid
    loop foreach local pb clump.pebblelist(c)
      local tmp = 0
      loop foreach local wp wall.list
        if wall.id(wp) # 17
          tmp = wall.inside(wp,clump.pebble.pos(pb))
          if tmp = 1
            inBody = 1
clump delete range fish inBody

model gravity 0,0,-9.81
clump attribute density [dens_] damp 0.7

model cycle 2000 calm 500


fish define inclump(extra, ct)
  inclump = 0
  if type.pointer.id(ct) = contact.typeid("ball-ball")
    if ball.extra(contact.end1(ct),1) == ball.extra(contact.end2(ct),1) then
      inclump = 1

contact cmat 	default type ball-ball model linear ... 
        property kn 10e4 inheritance off ks 10e4 inheritance off fric 0.18 inheritance off
contact cmat 	default type ball-facet model Linear ... 
        property kn 10e5 inheritance off ks 10e5 inheritance off fric 0.09 inheritance off
contact cmat	add 1 model linearPBond ... 
        property fric 0.0 kn 0.0 inheritance off ks 0.0 inheritance off dp_nratio 0.2 ...
        range fish inclump 

model clean
contact cmat apply


fish define restorefriction(arr)
    ;local oa = out(string.build("extra1 %1 - ...
    ;           extra2 %2",ball.extra(c_end1(ct),1), ...
    ;           ball.extra(c_end2(ct),1)))
    if ball.extra(contact.end1(ct),1) == ball.extra(contact.end2(ct),1)
      io.out(string.build("Contact broken! %1",contact.prop(ct,'pb_state')))
      contact.model(ct) = 'Linear'
      contact.prop(ct,'kn') = 10e4
      contact.prop(ct,'ks') = 10e4
      contact.prop(ct,'lin_mode') = 1
      idc = idc + 1     
      blist = array.create(1)
      blist(1) = contact.end1(ct)
      size = array.size(blist,1)
      ind = 0
      stop = 0
      loop while stop = 0
          newbonds = 0
          newvisited = 0
          loop local i (1,size+ind)
            ;local oppz = out(string.build("blist(i) %1",blist(i)))
              if ball.extra(blist(i),2) = 0 ;isNOTvisited
                  newvisited = newvisited + 1
                  loop foreach local con ball.contactmap(blist(i))
                    if contact.model(con) # "Linear"
                      if contact.prop(con,'pb_state')=3
                          if ball.extra(contact.end1(con),2) = 0 ;not visited
                              if ball.extra(contact.end2(con),2) = 0 ; " "
                                  newbonds = newbonds + 1
                                  ;local ff = out(string.build...
                                  ;         ("ball ids = %1 %2",ball.id...
                                  ;        (c_end1(con)),ball.id(c_end2(con))))
                  ball.extra(blist(i),2) = 1 ;isvisited
                  ball.extra(blist(i),1) = idc
        ;local ops = out(string.build("newbonds %1",newbonds))
        if newbonds#0
          oldblist = blist
          blist = array.create(size+ind+newbonds)
          loop local k (1,size+ind)
            blist(k) = oldblist(k)
          loop local ii (size+ind+1-newvisited,size+ind)
            clist = ball.contactmap(blist(ii))
            loop foreach local jj clist
             if contact.model(jj) # "linear"
              if contact.prop(jj,'pb_state')=3
                if ball.extra(contact.end1(jj),2) = 0 ;not visited
                  ind = ind + 1
                  blist(size+ind) = contact.end1(jj)
                else if ball.extra(contact.end2(jj),2) = 0 ;not visited
                  ind = ind + 1
                  blist(size+ind) = contact.end2(jj)
          stop = 1
    loop foreach local bp ball.list
      ball.extra(bp,2) = 0 ;not visited

ball attribute density 2000 damp 0.7

fish callback add restorefriction event bond_break

model mechanical timestep automatic
model cycle 2000 calm 500
ball attribute damp 0.0

wall attribute rotation-center [rp_] range group 'wallassembly'
wall attribute spin [spin_] range group 'wallassembly'

fish define initializeTime
  mp_age_c = mech.time.total
  global tinc = 0.01
  global tnext = tinc

fish define buildPSD
  global temps = mech.time.total-mp_age_c
  if temps > tnext then
    tnext = tnext + tinc


model save 'cluster_model'

model solve time 0.1

model save 'end_blendercluster'

; eof: BlenderClusters.dat


; fname: ClusterMakeCluster.dat

fish define ini_clusters
  global cluster_head = null
  global bnumber=0
  clt = clump.template.find('pill')
  loop foreach p clump.template.pebblelist(clt)
    bnumber = bnumber + 1
  io.out(string.build("number of pebbles = %1", bnumber))

fish define make_cluster(clump)
    ; replace a clump with a set of balls
    newclus = memory.create(bnumber+3)
    memory(newclus) = cluster_head
    cluster_head = newclus
    global idc = clump.id(clump)
    local num=1
    memory(newclus+num) = idc
    local bfirst
    loop foreach local p clump.pebblelist(clump)
        global prad = clump.pebble.radius(p)
        global ppos = clump.pebble.pos(p)
        global idp = clump.pebble.id(p)
            ball create id [idp] radius [prad] position [ppos]
        num = num + 1
        local bp = ball.find(idp)
        if num>3 then
            if comp.x(ball.pos(bp)) < comp.x(ball.pos(bfirst)) then
                bfirst = bp
            bfirst = bp
        ball.extra(bp,1) = idc
        memory(newclus+num) = bp
    memory(newclus+2) = bfirst

fish define replace
  loop foreach clump clump.list

fish define order_clusters
  cluster = cluster_head
  loop while cluster # null
    newcluster = array.create(9)
    newcluster(1) = memory(cluster+2)
    loop j(2,9)
        referenceball = newcluster(j-1)
        loop i(1,bnumber)
          thisball = memory(cluster+2+i)
          newdist = comp.x(ball.pos(thisball))-comp.x(ball.pos(referenceball))
          io.out(string.build("newdist = %1",newdist))
          if newdist > 0
            if newdist < dist
              nearestball = thisball
              dist = newdist
        newcluster(j) = nearestball
    loop i(1,bnumber)
      memory(cluster+i+2) = newcluster(i)
    cluster = memory(cluster)

fish define list_clusters
  cluster = cluster_head
  loop while cluster # null
    local idc = memory(cluster+1)
    local bleft = memory(cluster+2)
    io.out(string.build("--cluster with ID %1 : ",idc))
    io.out(string.build("--left most ball id : %1",ball.id(bleft)))
    loop i(1,bnumber)
       bp = memory(cluster+i+2)
       io.out(string.build("    - ball id %1",ball.id(bp)))
    cluster = memory(cluster)

fish define applybonds
    cluster = cluster_head
    loop while cluster # null
        loop i(1,bnumber-1)
            bp = memory(cluster+i+2)
            local clist = ball.contactmap(bp)
                loop foreach local con clist
                    if contact.end1(con) = bp_next
                    else if contact.end2(con) = bp_next
                    if ok=1
                        local arg = array.create(1,2)
                        arg(1,1) = 'gap'
                        arg(1,2) = 0.0
                        exit section
        cluster = memory(cluster)

; eof: ClusterMakeCluster.dat


; fname: ClusterSizeDistribution.dat

fish define clumpvolumes
  ;local oo45 = out(string.build("nclumps = %1",nclumps))
  global volumes = array.create(idc)
  loop local i (1,array.size(volumes,1))
  loop foreach bp ball.list
    volumes(ball.extra(bp,1)) = ...
            volumes(ball.extra(bp,1)) + 1.3333*math.pi*ball.radius(bp)^3

fish define sizedistribution(intervals)
  io.out(string.build("size volumes = %1", array.size(volumes,1)))
  nentries = array.size(volumes,1)
  radius = array.create(nentries)
  minD = 1000
  maxD = -1
  local nonzeroentries = 0
  loop local i (1,array.size(volumes,1))
    radius(i) = ((3*volumes(i))/(4*math.pi))^(0.33333)
    if radius(i)#0
      nonzeroentries = nonzeroentries + 1
      minD = math.min(radius(i)*2,minD)
      maxD = math.max(radius(i)*2,maxD)
    ;local oox = out(string.build("current value of radius = %1", radius[i]))
  io.out(string.build("minD = %1 , maxD = %2", minD, maxD))
  increment = (maxD-minD)/intervals
  passing = array.create(intervals+1)
  aveD = array.create(intervals+1)
  t = string.build("sizedist%1",nentries)
  dist = table.get(t)
  loop local j (1,array.size(aveD,1))
    aveD(j) = minD + increment*(j-1)
    passing(j) = 0.0
  loop local p (2,array.size(passing,1))
    pass = 0
    loop local r (1,array.size(radius,1))
      d = radius(r)*2
      if d#0
        if d<=aveD(p)
         ;local oo52 = ...
         ;out(string.build("d = %1 , aveD = %2, pass = %3", d, aveD[p+1],pass))
          pass = pass+1
    ;local oo23 = ...
    ;out(string.build("nonzeroentries = %1 , pass = %2", nonzeroentries, pass))
    passing(p) = 100*(float(pass)/nonzeroentries)
  loop local tt (1,array.size(aveD,1))   
    io.out(string.build("passing[%1] = %2", tt, passing(tt)))

; eof: SizeDistribution.dat
