New Features in Version 9.0
3DEC 9.0 contains many improvements; the new features are summarized in the following sections. Existing data files from Version 7 will run without modification in Version 9. Existing save files and project files from Version 7 can be opened in Version 9.
Existing data files created for Version 5.0 or 5.2 cannot be run unaltered in Version 9 and 3DEC 9.0 will not be able to restore files saved by Version 5.2 or older. For migrating from Version 5.0 or 5.2 to Version 9 see 3DEC 5.2 to 9 Command Mapping and 3DEC 5.2 to 9 FISH Mapping.
Improved Performance
Solving to steady state up to 10x faster, depending on the model
Dynamic timestep up to 3x larger
Save and restore up to 4x faster
Multithreaded plotting up to 5x faster
User Interface
The User Interface has undergone an overhaul to make it more modern, intuitive and responsive. Changes include:
New colors and icons
All plots listed in the Project Pane, rather than as tabs along the bottom
Splittable working area and the ability to output multiple plots into one bitmap
Improved inline help (CTRL-Space)
User-defined contour color ramp
Ability to specify non-scientific number format in legends, as well as the precision
Many others
Non-linear Structural Elements
Shells and liners can now fail and deform plastically (Shell Plastic Constitutive Models).
Liners can be assigned Mohr-Coulomb, Strain-Softening or Von-Mises constitutive models
Beams and piles can also fail plastically (Beam Plastic Constitutive Models (3D ONLY))
New Constitutive Models
Columnar-Basalt (COMBA) Model** (up to 4 ubiquitous joint sets)
Python 3.10.5
log-normal distribution for DFN fracture sizes
block join-by-contact
command prevents unjoining of contacts when cuttingblock contact vertex-vertex
command inhibits formation of vertex-vertex contacts, which speeds up soltuion and reduces memory use.
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