Profile Plot Item


Chart a grid attribute along a line defined in space. The first few attributes of this plot item are contingent on the first attribute (Type).



Set the profile display to either “chart” or “line” type.


Select the zone value to display. Additional attribute fields are supplied as needed; these are noted in the table below.

Table 1: Selection Options for Valueᴸ
Accelerationᶜ Extraᵉᵘʷ Pore Pressureʷ Stress-Strength Ratioᵐ
Conditionᵐ Fluid Biot Modulus Propertyᵖᵐ Target Force Ratio
Convergence Fluid Bulk Modulus Saturation Temperature
Densityᵐ Fluid Densityᵐ Strain Incrementʸ Thermal Propertyᵖᵐ
Displacementᶜ Fluid Propertyᵖ Strain Rateʸ Unbalanced Forceᶜ
Dynamic Timestep Local Force Ratio Stressᶻ Velocityᶜ
Effective Stressᶻ Multiplier    
ᴸAll values provide a “Log” attribute
ᶜA “Component” attribute follows
ᵉAn “Extra” attribute follows
ᵐA “Method” attribute follows
ᵖA “Property” attribute follows
ᵘA “Type” attribute follows
ʷA “Source” attribute follows
ʸA “Quantity” and “Method” attribute follow
ᶻA “Quantity”, “Stress”, and “Method” attribute follow



Use a logarthmic scale.

Log: set (checked) a logarithmic scale on the -axis.



Specify the starting point of the profile line.

Begin: set the , , coordinate of the beginning point.



Specify the ending point of the profile line.

End: set the , , coordinate of the ending point.



Specify the number of points along the line for which values will be calculated. The default is 11.

Points: Set the number.

Chart Controls or Line Controls

In this position, a Chart Controls container will appear if “Chart” is selected in the Type attribute, or a Line Controls will appear if “Line” is selected.


Chart Controls: a container that provides controls for adjusting the appearance of the profile chart.

Style: set profile line rendering to “Marks” (only), “Line” (only), or “Both”.

Line: set color, line style, and thickness of the profile line (hidden if “Marks” is selected for Style).

Mark: set color, shape, and size of marks used in the profile line (hidden if “Line” is selected for Style).

X Reverse: reverse the order of display of values in the series.

Y Reverse: reverse the order of display of values in the series.

Alias: Set the alias used to identify the profile series line in the legend.

X and Y Axis: these containers provide controls for the handling of the axes. Controls include “Log”, “Minimum”, “Maximum”, “Inside”, “Label”, and “Exponent”. See the description of these controls in the History Chart plot item for details.

Title: set a title (checked) on the profile chart using the field adjacent to the checkbox to set the “Alias”. Additional controls are provided for size, text style, and font face used for the title.

Labels: include axis labels (checked), with additional controls for text size, font, and style.

Marks: include scale marks (checked) on the axes, with additional controls for text size, font, and style.

Chart: control chart appearance options, such as the “Border”, “Grid”, “Position” and “Size” of the chart.


Line Controls: a container that provides controls over the appearance of the profile line.

Contour: set contour appearance. See the standard contour control description for details.

Line: set the line appearance. See the standard line control description for details.



Set the transparency of the plot item. See the standard transparency control description for details.



Set item labeling in the plot legend. See the standard legend control description for details.

Beneath Title, the Profile plot item also provides a control in Legend for Series, when “Chart” is selected in the Type attribute.