Edit Menu

The Edit menu on the main menu appears as below when an Editor pane is active. The commands are enabled/disabled as appropriate to the current context (i.e., whether text is selected, whether there are commands stored on the undo/redo stack, etc.).

edit menu image
Undo - Undo the previous operation.
Redo - Perform (again) the most recently “undone” operation.
Cut - Delete the selected text and place it on the clipboard.
Copy - Copy the selected text to the clipboard.
Paste - Insert the text on the clipboard to the current cursor location.
Delete - Delete the selected text.
Select All - Select all text in the pane.
Find… - Open the Find dialog.
Find Selection - Find the next instance of the currently selected text.
Find Next - Find the next instance of the text that was input in the Find dialog.
Replace… - Open the Replace dialog.
Go to Line… - Open the Go To Line dialog; enter a number to go to that line.
Go to Token… - Open the Go To Token dialog; enter a number to go to the token at that position in the current line.
Block comment - Comment the selected text (on a line-by-line basis, if more than one line is selected).
Block uncomment - Uncomment the selected text (on a line-by-line basis, if more than one line is selected).