bulk-maximum f

maximum elastic bulk modulus, Kmax

kappa f

slope of elastic swelling line, κ

lambda f

slope of normal consolidation line, λ

poisson f

Poisson’s ratio, ν

pressure-reference f

reference pressure, p1

pressure-effective f

mean effective stress, p, required since this is a pressure-dependent model.

pressure-preconsolidation f

pre-consolidation pressure, pc0

ratio-critical-state f

stress ratio at the critical state, M=q/p at the critical state

shear f

elastic shear modulus, G

specific-volume-reference f

specific volume at reference pressure p1 on normal consolidation line, vλ

bulk f

current elastic bulk modulus, K

specific-volume f

[read only] current specific volume, v , initialized or updated internally.

strain-volumetric-total f

[read only] accumulated total volumetric strain.

stress-deviatoric f

[read only] current deviatoric stress, q  

  • If the current bulk modulus, K, is greater than Kmax, an error message will suggest increasing Kmax.
  • Only one between the Poisson’s ration, ν, and the shear modulus, G, is required for input. If ν is not specified, and a non-zero G is specified, then G remains constant and ν will change as K changes. If a non-zero ν is given, then G will change as K changes and ν remains constant.


Read only properties cannot be set by the user. However, they may be listed, plotted, or accessed through FISH.