- cap-yield
- friction f
ultimate friction angle, ϕf. If the specified value is less than 0.1 degree, it will be limited to 0.1 degree for numerical stability.
- friction-mobilized f
mobilized friction angle, ϕm, which should be initialized no less than the value determined by ϕncm (see this equation) via a command or FISH function.
- pressure-cap f
cap pressure, pc, which can be initialized via a command or a FISH function.
- pressure-initial f
initial mean effective stress, pini. Required if pressure-cap is not specified. It can be initialized via a command or a FISH function.
- pressure-reference f
reference pressure, pref. A non-zero value should be specified based on the unit of stress/pressure adopted in the model.
- shear-reference f
dimensionless elastic shear modulus reference value, Gref. A non-zero value should be specified.
- dilation-mobilized f
[advanced] current mobilized dilation angle, ψm. It is read-only, except for table-dilation ǂ 0.
- exponent f
[advanced] exponent for the pressure-dependent elastic moduli, m. The default is 0.5, and the upper limit is 0.99.
- flag-brittle b
[advanced] If true, the tension limit is set to 0 in the event of tensile failure. The default is false.
- flag-cap i
= 0 (default), no cap. The elastic moduli are functions of the mean effective stress, and pressure_initial should be specified.
= 1, with cap. The elastic moduli are functions of the cap pressure and pressure_cap should be specified via a command or a FISH function, or calculated internally otherwise, see information on pressure_cap.
- flag-dilation i
= 0 (default), the built-in Rowe dilation rule is used.
= 1, ψm ≡ ψf.
= 2, ϕcv should be specified and ψm is calculated from this equation.
- friction-0 f
[advanced] initial mobilized friction angle, ϕ0 associated with zero plastic shear strain. By default, ϕ0 = ϕm if ϵps is initialized to 0.0; otherwise, ϕ0 = 0.0 if not specified.
- friction-critical f
[advanced] constant ϕcv. The default value is calculated by this equation. Required for specification only if flag-dilation = 2.
- multiplier f
[advanced] multiplier on current plastic cap modulus to give elastic bulk and shear moduli, R. The default is 5.0 with cap and 0.0 without cap.
- shear-maximum f
[advanced] maximum (upper-bound limit) of the elastic shear modulus, Gemax. The default internally calculated value is 10×Geini, where Geini is the initial Ge when the model is first time set up.
- shear-minimum f
[advanced] minimum (lower-bound limit) of the elastic shear modulus, Gemin. The default internally calculated value is 0.1×Geini, where Geini is the initial Ge when the model is first time set up.
- strain-shear-plastic f
[advanced] accumulated plastic shear strain, γp. By default, it is initialized internally.
- strain-tensile-plastic f
[advanced] accumulated plastic shear strain, ept. The default initial value is 0.0.
- strain-volumetric-plastic f
[advanced] accumulated plastic volumetric strain, ep. By default, it is initialized internally.
- table-pressure-cap s
[advanced] name of the table relating cap pressure to plastic volume strain.
- table-cohesion s
[advanced] name of the table relating cohesion to plastic shear strain.
- table-dilation s
[advanced] name of the table relating mobilized dilation angle to plastic shear strain.
- table-friction s
[advanced] name of the table relating mobilized friction angle to plastic shear strain.
- table-tension s
[advanced] name of the table relating tensile strength to plastic tensile strain.
- void-maximum f
[advanced] allowable maximum void ratio, ˆemax. The default is 999.0, a virtual value to bypass the dilatancy cut-off.
- bulk f
[read only] current elastic bulk modulus
- pressure-effective-cy f
[read only] mean effective stress, p
- shear f
[read only] current elastic shear modulus
- stress-deviatoric-cy f
[read only] deviatoric stress, q
- void f
[read only] current void ratio, ˆe
- young f
[read only] current elastic Young’s modulus, E
- Notes:
- The tension cut-off is σt=min(σt,c/tanϕ).
- One parameter between pc and pini must be specified.
- The void related parameters, ˆeini and ˆemax, are for dilatancy cut-off only. If dilatancy cut-off is not taken into account, these parameters are not required for input (default values are used).
- The tension table and flag-brittle should not be active at the same time.
Advanced properties have default values and do not require specification for simpler applications of the model.
Read only properties cannot be set by the user. However, they may be listed, plotted, or accessed through FISH.
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