- swell
- bulk f
elastic bulk modulus, K
- cohesion f
cohesion, c
- constant-a-1 f
swelling property, a1
- constant-a-3 f
swelling property, a3
- constant-c-1 f
swelling property, c1
- constant-c-3 f
swelling property, c3
- constant-m-1 f
swelling property, m1
- constant-m-3 f
swelling property, m3
- dip f
dip angle [degrees] of the local swelling plane
- dip-direction f
dip direction [degrees] of the local swelling plane
- friction f
internal angle of friction, ϕ
- normal v
normal direction of the local swelling plane, (nx, ny, nz)
- normal-x f
x-component of the normal direction to the local swelling plane, nx
- normal-y f
y-component of the normal direction to the local swelling plane, ny
- normal-z f
z-component of the normal direction to the local swelling plane, nz
- poisson f
Poisson’s ratio, ν
- pressure-reference f
atmospheric pressure, pa
- shear f
elastic shear modulus, G
- young f
Young’s modulus, E
- flag-brittle b
[advanced] If true, the tension limit is set to 0 in the event of tensile failure. The default is false.
- number-start i
[advanced] number of steps over which swelling strains are introduced, Ns. The default is 1.
- count-swell i
[read only] count of step number after swelling starts, must be reset to zero to start a new swelling episode
- stress-local-vertical f
[read only] local total stress vertical stress when swelling starts; must be reset to zero when soil swelling properties are changed
- stress-swell-xx f
[read only] xx swelling stress component
- stress-swell-yy f
[read only] yy swelling stress component
- stress-swell-zz f
[read only] zz swelling stress component
- stress-swell-xy f
[read only] xy swelling stress component
- stress-swell-xz f
[read only] xz swelling stress component
- stress-swell-yz f
[read only] yz swelling stress component
- Notes:
- The local swelling plane is a plane defined so that the swelling is isotropic in this plane.
- Only one of the two options is required to define the elasticity: bulk modulus K and shear modulus G, or Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s ratio ν. When choosing the latter, Young’s modulus E must be assigned in advance of Poisson’s ratio ν.
- The tension cut-off is σt=min(σt,c/tanϕ).
Advanced properties have default values and do not require specification for simpler applications of the model.
Read only properties cannot be set by the user. However, they may be listed, plotted, or accessed through FISH.
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