
f =,ioverlay,itetra,arr)

Gets the gridpoint pointers associated with a tetrahedron number itet in overlay ioverlay. Returns the tetra volume.

The gridpoint pointers are placed into array arr. The gridpoints follow the convention that if you are an observer at the 4th gridpoint looking at gridpoints 1, 2, and 3, then the direction from gridpoint 1 to gridpoint 2 to gridpoint 3 is counterclockwise. Note that tetrahedral volumes are only calculated when cycling begins (or a model step 0 command is issued), and during large-strain updates. A zero volume will be returned if cycling has not yet occurred.

See the functions zone.overlays and zone.tet.num.


f - the volume of the tetra, or 0.0 if this has not been calculated yet


z - a zone pointers

ioverlay - the overlay index, from 1 to 2

itetra - the tetra index, from 1 to a maximum of 5

arr - an array of at least size 4