

Tensor Access

t = zone.tet.stress(z,ioverlay,itetra<,i1<,i2>>)
zone.tet.stress(z,ioverlay,itetra<,i1<,i2>>) = t

Get/set the zone tetra stress. Note that compressive stresses are negative in FLAC3D.


t - zone tetra stress tensor or value


z - zone pointer

ioverlay - the overlay index of the tetra, from 1 to 2

itetra - the index of the tetra in the overlay

i1 - optional tensor index that, if given without i2, ranges from 1 to 7, accessing the xx, yy, zz, xy, xz, and yz tensor values.

i2 - optional tensor notation that must be given with i1. In this case, i1 corresponds to the first index of the tensor position and i2 to the second in the row/column format. For instance, i1 = 1 and i2 = 3 returns the xz tensor value.

Value Access

f = zone.tet.stress.xx(z,ioverlay,itetra)
zone.tet.stress.xx(z,ioverlay,itetra) = f

Get/set the xx-value of the zone tetra stress. Note that compressive stresses are negative in FLAC3D.


f - xx-value of the zone tetra stress tensor


f - xx-value of the zone tetra stress tensor


z - zone pointer

ioverlay - the overlay index of the tetra, from 1 to 2

itetra - the index of the tetra in the overlay

f = zone.tet.stress.xy(z,ioverlay,itetra)
zone.tet.stress.xy(z,ioverlay,itetra) = f

Get/set the xy-value of the zone tetra stress. Note that compressive stresses are negative in FLAC3D.


f - xy-value of the zone tetra stress tensor


f - xy-value of the zone tetra stress tensor


z - zone pointer

ioverlay - the overlay index of the tetra, from 1 to 2

itetra - the index of the tetra in the overlay

f = zone.tet.stress.xz(z,ioverlay,itetra)
zone.tet.stress.xz(z,ioverlay,itetra) = f

Get/set the xz-value of the zone tetra stress. Note that compressive stresses are negative in FLAC3D.


f - xz-value of the zone tetra stress tensor


f - xz-value of the zone tetra stress tensor


z - zone pointer

ioverlay - the overlay index of the tetra, from 1 to 2

itetra - the index of the tetra in the overlay

f = zone.tet.stress.yy(z,ioverlay,itetra)
zone.tet.stress.yy(z,ioverlay,itetra) = f

Get/set the yy-value of the zone tetra stress. Note that compressive stresses are negative in FLAC3D.


f - yy-value of the zone tetra stress tensor


f - yy-value of the zone tetra stress tensor


z - zone pointer

ioverlay - the overlay index of the tetra, from 1 to 2

itetra - the index of the tetra in the overlay

f = zone.tet.stress.yz(z,ioverlay,itetra)
zone.tet.stress.yz(z,ioverlay,itetra) = f

Get/set the yz-value of the zone tetra stress. Note that compressive stresses are negative in FLAC3D.


f - yz-value of the zone tetra stress tensor


f - yz-value of the zone tetra stress tensor


z - zone pointer

ioverlay - the overlay index of the tetra, from 1 to 2

itetra - the index of the tetra in the overlay

f = zone.tet.stress.zz(z,ioverlay,itetra)
zone.tet.stress.zz(z,ioverlay,itetra) = f

Get/set the zz-value of the zone tetra stress. Note that compressive stresses are negative in FLAC3D.


f - zz-value of the zone tetra stress tensor


f - zz-value of the zone tetra stress tensor


z - zone pointer

ioverlay - the overlay index of the tetra, from 1 to 2

itetra - the index of the tetra in the overlay