Isotropic Consolidation Test with Modified Cam-Clay Model
To view this project in FLAC3D, use the menu command . Choose “ConstitutiveModels/ IsotropicConsolidationModifiedCamClay” and select “IsotropicConsolidationModifiedCamClay.f3dprj” to load. The project’s main data file is shown at the end of this example.
This simple one-zone example exercises the modified Cam-Clay model for a normally consolidated material subjected to several load-unload excursions in an isotropic compression test. Following sentence doesn’t make sense. The initial stresses is at isotropic stress so that σxx = σyy = σzz = -5 kPa. The material properties include the following:
maximum shear modulus (Gmax) | 10 MPa |
shear modulus (G) | 250 kPa |
ratio-critical state (M) | 1.02 |
slope of normal consolidation line (λ) | 0.2 |
slope of elastic swelling line (κ) | 0.05 |
pressure reference (p1) | 1 kPa |
specific volume reference (vλ) | 3.32 |
pressure consolidation (pc0) | -5 kPa |
The sample is assumed normally isotropic consolidation with OCR = 1, so the initial mean effective pressure and the preconsolidation pressure are the same. Their values are specified using a simple FISH function:
fish define camclay_ini_p
loop foreach local p_z zone.list
local mean_p = -(zone.stress.xx(p_z) + zone.stress.yy(p_z) + zone.stress.zz(p_z))/3.0 - z.pp(p_z)
zone.prop(p_z,'pressure-effective') = mean_p
zone.prop(p_z,'pressure-preconsolidation') = mean_p
The results are shown in Figure 1, 2, and 3. Figure 1 plots the mean effective pressure history. Figure 2 plots the relation v vs. lnp, which shows the normal consolidation line and elastic swelling lines. In this example, the shear modulus is explicitly specified as an input parameter; it is thus assumed constant, while the bulk modulus is changing with the mean effective pressure. The bulk and shear modulus histories are plotted in Figure 3.
Data File
; Isotropic compression test on Modified-Cam-clay sample (drained)
model new
model largestrain off
fish automatic-create off
model title "Isotropic compression test for normally consolidated soil"
zone create brick size 1 1 1
zone cmodel assign modified-cam-clay
; --- boundary and initial conditions ---
zone gridpoint fix velocity
zone initialize stress xx -5. yy -5. zz -5.
; --- model properties ---
zone property shear 250. bulk-maximum 10000.
zone property ratio-critical-state 1.02 lambda 0.2 kappa 0.05
zone property pressure-reference 1. specific-volume-reference 3.32
call 'fishfunctions'
; --- histories ---
history interval 20
fish history @G
fish history @K
fish history @p
fish history @lnp
fish history @v
zone history displacement-z position 0 0 1
; --- test ---
model save 'camiso'
⇐ Isotropic Consolidation Test with Double-Yield Model | Triaxial Compression Test with Hoek-Brown Model ⇒
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