Data File for “DFN Generation, Analysis and Simplification” Example


;  CODE 1

model new

; define the domain
model domain extent -50 50 -50 50 -50 50

; fix the random seed
model random 101

;  CODE 2

; borehole creations 
geom set 'vertical_borehole'
geom edge create by-position (0,0,-45) (0,0,40)

geom set '45_degree_borehole'
fish def make_45_borehole
   local x1 = -50
   local x2 = 50
   ; rotation of 45 degree
   local x1rot = x1*math.cos(math.pi/4)
   local z1rot = x1*math.sin(math.pi/4)
   local x2rot = x2*math.cos(math.pi/4)
   local z2rot = x2*math.sin(math.pi/4)
       geom edge create by-position (@x1rot,0,@z1rot) (@x2rot,0,@z2rot)

; outcrop creation 
geom set 'horizontal_outcrop'
geom polygon create by-position ...
                    (-40,-40,40) (-40,40,40) (40,40,40) (40,-40,40)

geom set 'vertical_outcrop'
geom polygon create by-position ...
                    (-41,-41,50) (-41,41,50) (-41,41,40) (-41,-41,40)

model save 'geometries'

;  CODE 3

; define the template of set 1: vertical fractures
fracture template create 'sub_vertical' ...
         orientation fisher 90,120,200 size power-law 4 size-limit 10 500
fracture generate dfn 'sub_vertical'               ...
         generation-box -100 100 -100 100 -100 100 ...
         template 'sub_vertical' mass-density 0.33

;  CODE 4

; define the template of set 2: horizontal fractures
fracture template create 'sub_horizontal' ...
         orientation fisher 20 30 500 size power-law 4 size-limit 10 500

fish define variables
  global nb_hori = 0
  global nb_hori_aimed = 39

fish define hori_study(frac)
  local outc = geom.set.find('vertical_outcrop')
  local is_inter = fracture.gintersect(frac,outc)
  if is_inter>0
    nb_hori = nb_hori+1

fish define hori_stop
    hori_stop = 0
    if nb_hori >= nb_hori_aimed

fracture generate dfn 'sub_horizontal'             ...
         generation-box -100 100 -100 100 -100 100 ...
         template 'sub_horizontal' modify @hori_study fish-stop @hori_stop

;  CODE 5

; define the template of set 3: background jointing
fracture template create 'background' orientation    ...
         bootstrapped 'orientation_distribution.inp' ...
         size power-law 3.2 size-limit 2 10
fracture generate dfn 'background'                   ...
         generation-box -55 55 -55 55 -55 55         ...
         template 'background' p10 0.5 geometry 'vertical_borehole'

model save 'dfngeneration'

;  CODE 6

; print densities

fracture compute mass-density
fracture compute p10 begin (-50,0,0) end (50,0,0)
fish define geometry_density
    local poutcrop = geom.set.find('vertical_outcrop')
    local pborehole = geom.set.find('vertical_borehole')
    local oo = io.out('p21 vertical = '+string(fracture.geomp21(poutcrop)))
    oo = io.out('p10 vertical = '+string(fracture.geomp10(pborehole)))

;  CODE 7

; traces and intercepts
fracture intersection compute with-geometry 'horizontal_outcrop' ...
         intersection-set 'inter_hori_out' group-slot 1
fracture intersection compute with-geometry 'vertical_outcrop'   ...
         intersection-set 'inter_vert_out' group-slot 2
fracture intersection compute with-geometry 'vertical_borehole'  ...
         intersection-set 'inter_vert_bore' group-slot 3

fish define assign_extras
    local set1 = fracture.inter.set.find(1)
    local intlist = fracture.inter.set.interlist(set1)
    loop foreach e1 intlist
        local f1 = fracture.inter.end1(e1)
        if = fracture.typeid then
            fracture.extra(f1,1) = 1
    local set2 = fracture.inter.set.find(2)
    intlist = fracture.inter.set.interlist(set2)
    loop foreach e1 intlist
        f1 = fracture.inter.end1(e1)
        if = fracture.typeid then
            fracture.extra(f1,2) = 2
    local set3 = fracture.inter.set.find(3)
    intlist = fracture.inter.set.interlist(set3)
    loop foreach e1 intlist
        f1 = fracture.inter.end1(e1)
        if = fracture.typeid then
            fracture.extra(f1,3) = 3


model save 'traces'

;  CODE 8

; connectivity

fracture intersection compute intersection-set 'all'
fracture cluster group-slot 1 intersection-set 'all'

model save 'connectivity'

;  CODE 9

; keep only infinite cluster
fracture intersection delete
fracture delete range group "all1" not
fracture intersection compute intersection-set 'all'

;  CODE 10

; filter by connected distance

geom set 'injection_section'
geom poly create by-position (-1,-1,-1) (-1,1,-1) (1,1,-1) (1,-1,-1)
geom poly create by-position (-1,-1,-1) (-1,1,-1) (-1,1,1) (-1,-1,1)
geom poly create by-position (-1,-1,1) (-1,1,1) (1,1,1) (1,-1,1)
geom poly create by-position (1,1,1) (1,-1,1) (1,-1,-1) (1,1,-1)
geom poly create by-position (1,1,1) (1,1,-1) (-1,1,-1) (-1,1,1)
geom poly create by-position (1,-1,1) (1,-1,-1) (-1,-1,-1) (-1,-1,1) 
fracture connectivity distance extra-index 6 ...
         starting-geometry 'injection_section' intersection-set 5
fracture intersection delete
fracture delete range extra 6 0 50 not

model save 'simplification1'

;  CODE 10

; fracture combination

fracture combine distance 1 angle 20 merge range extra 6 10 20 
fracture combine distance 5 angle 45 merge range extra 6 20 30 
fracture combine distance 10 angle 80 merge range extra 6 30 50 

model save 'simplification2'